Left husband

So, I left my husband today. He has called me slut, bad mom, and every type of degenerative. So… who knows?
I’m not calling him names.

Oh dear!

So sorry,Lalow. Stay strong.
Much Love. :heart:

Wishing you the best as you navigate this territory, Lalow.
Love to you. :heart:

Often people’s words and actions reflect their inner state rather than ours. That is, your husband’s words say more about him than about you. When we take care and respect ourselves, we take care and respect everyone else.
Strength Wisdom Love to you, Lalow :heart:

Love to you Lalow :heart:

:heart: :pray:

Strength, love, prayers to you Lalow. Your AYP community is standing w you :pray:

So, I realized that my youngest was wearing the same clothes to school, his backpack broke. So I felt terrible and came back. A day gone and everything goes to crap.

:heart: :pray:

Hi Lalow,
I think you made a point. And you are a good mother, if you are willing to go back to take care of your child. :heart: :pray:

Your husband needs to check his tongue, but that’s his problem, watch his words dribble down his chin and the front of his shirt, his mess not yours. Bravo for attending to your kid, and being there and showing him there is strength in measured words.

Boundaries. I’ve set them. My oldest son is now acting like my hubby towards me. I’m grounding him.
What a weird life! I’ve sacrificed so much to have a nice family, but it didn’t turn out like I thought.
If I ever thought we were all one, I’m smacked in the face with real life, which disagrees with all that.

“I’m grounding him.”
Is it the same as in “grinding to bits” or the AYP grounding that we have in our jargon?
Any way, wishing you the very best now and in 2018

“I’m grounding him.”
Is it the same as in “grinding to bits”
[/quote] :grin: :grin: Good one!

If I ever thought we were all one, I’m smacked in the face with real life
[/quote] If they weren’t all you, Lalow, would their deeds and words hurt you as much as they do? Doesn’t the very pain prove there is no boundary?
Life rarely turns out the way we think. You are doing as much as everyone can, which is doing your best in the circumstances.
Wishing you peace :pray:

i worship my wife as kali when it’s that time of the month and she starts becoming frustrated and destructive . marriage isnt suppose to be easy. unless he is a physical threat and that can vary in degrees that should be the only time to leave. him granted this is my opinion and u lknow its no better than anyone elses. i wouldnt leave my wife for anything. i know a normal man cant handle kali she needs a yogi
edit: shes totally into it too. she loves me dressing up like shiva covered with rudra beads worshiping her at her feet. she doesnt think its weird one bit and i go into spritual xtc and samadhi by worshipping her as the holy mother. it has helped bring samadhi down into waking life. surrender plays a big part. i empty myself as completely as i can while i worship her.

Nice perspective, Yogi

the key to a happy marriage is understanding and compassion. get to know your husband. all action comes from god. if you knew him you might see his actions come from love.but through his mind they become distorted. i see this in my wife. i see this in myself. my wife loves so much but shes also been the source of much destruction. i know she is kali. i even invoked kali a year prior to meeting my wife. i begged her to enter into my life and destroy me. and she did. but now im married to a goddess and shes shown me how to make myself small and to surrender my will or she might freak out and burn the house down. its a little extreme, but ah, im the kinda yogi who needs that chaos. so please maybe you shuldnt limit yourself to my opinion. actually please dont. lol idk. diovrce hurts though. if it’s what you want just trust all is well. make everything practise. i love having to let go of things. i let go of my wife, and when i did i realized something hehe. now we’re happily married

That’s how I used to think as well. That I should be okay with everything. After umpteen years of yoga, I’m still not.
I’ve been with my hubby for 22 years. I was very happy for at least 15 of those. If you are newly married, I probably won’t take one bit of your advice, not that it may not be correct, just that you don’t really understand.

P.S. It’s actually a weird surrender as I’m not putting up with stuff, while I’m voicing my discomfort. I didn’t used to do that.