“You’re not important. As long as you’re out of my way.”
Ahhhh…precious moments.
Sounds great!!! oh and Suralya is very close to my home. I have not been there, but I have seen an image from the outside and it is very beautiful, with the Buddha eyes
I’m looking for a AYP teacher. I’m based in Issy-les-Moulineaux, just close to Paris, France.
Can anyone help me please ?
Thanks, Frédéric
Hi Frederic,
There are a couple of people on the AYP contacts page who are based in Northern France.
You could contact Jean-Louis who is based in Paris. His email is here: Contact
There is also Christina who is based in Northern France. Her email is here:Contact
I do not know if either of them are running classes at the moment, so you would need to get in touch and ask.
We try to run a retreat in mainland Europe each year and next year there will be one in North West Spain. Details for that are here. I will be running the retreat in Spain with Amandine who is one of our AYP teachers from the South of France. The retreat will be led in English. We also run retreats in the U.K. several times each year. The retreats are run near Exeter, which has direct flights from Paris. See here for those.
Hello Christi,
Thanks for your precised answer !
Unfortunately, I’m not feeling enough advanced to join a retreat with you. I would prefer a weekly one-to-one trainer or so. I’ve contacted Jean-Louis two weeks ago, but he’s not forming a AYP group as it was explained in AYPsite. He prefers other meditation ways. And I think Christina would be too far from home but I will try to contact her. Thanks !
I’m in sync with yogani books. I’m in sync with AYPsite forum. That’s why I’m asking a teacher here.
Do the 22 new teachers trained in France this year have all gone away from this beautiful country ?
I would like a presence not too far from home to ground easier.
Thanks !
Hi Frederic,
The teacher training course in France that took place in April/May this year was an international event, with people coming from 13 different countries around the world. Three came from France but they all live in the centre or South of the country.
Just to mention, people do not need to be advanced to join a retreat, unless it is marked specifically as “intermediate to advanced level”. Most retreats we run are suitable for anyone, even for complete beginners.
Hopefully someone who runs AYP classes in Paris will post here. Or someone could start one…