Hi Everyone,
For anyone who is interested in training to become a yoga teacher, we are planning to begin running AYP Teacher Training Courses (TTC’s) in the near future. This is still in the planning stage at the moment, with the hope being to run the first course in the UK, or a country nearby, in the Spring of 2017.
The plan is to run the first Teacher Training as a one month residential course. This TTC will be run in retreat mode, which means there will be two AYP sessions in the morning and one in the afternoon each day. For part of the course we will go up to two sessions in the morning and two in the afternoon. Each session will include asana, Spinal Breathing Pranayama, Deep Meditation and samyama. As well as the practical sessions, training will be given on many aspects of AYP theory and practice and on various aspects of teaching AYP to others. The course will cover 215 hours of study and training in total (180 contact hours with teachers) leading to a professional yoga teacher qualification. The course will qualify people to teach asana, Spinal Breathing Pranayama and Deep Meditation.
With this being a full scope Teacher Training Course there will be minimum requirements in terms of experience of yoga practice for people attending the course. The minimum requirement being at least one year of regular AYP practice or similar full-scope yoga practice including meditation and pranayama. I will be teaching on the course along with Nina Forbes who is an experienced AYP teacher in the U.K. Several other AYP teachers have also offered to help teach, so we are expecting to have three or four teachers present.
At the moment Yogani is in the process of applying to register AYP with the Yoga Alliance as a Yoga Teacher Training School. The plan is to have AYP registered with one or more regulatory bodies and the Yoga Alliance will hopefully be one of them if the application is successful.
With AYP being an open resource, everyone is free to share their knowledge of AYP with others and to teach AYP. So this Teacher Training Course will not be a requirement for people who want to share their knowledge of AYP, as is happening in many parts of the world already in both classes and retreats, but will be for those who want to take part in a formal and structured teacher training and who want to become qualified as a yoga teacher.
At this stage we do not have any dates set, or a venue. So we are very much in the planning stages. But people have already started putting their names forward to take part, so if anyone wants to register an interest in attending the course, then PM me through my forum profile or through my contact form here.
Mainstream…here we come!
Hi All:
AYP has just been approved by Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga School (RYS), which means our syllabus for registered yoga teacher training (RYT-200) has been accepted. So we are good to go for offering the first AYP registered teacher training course. Christi is in the lead on this and will provide additional details as we move forward.
Here is our official page on the Yoga Alliance website: https://www.yogaalliance.org/SchoolPublicProfile?sid=6787
Once we have the first teacher training course scheduled, it will show up there, along with other information we will be adding.
Many thanks to Christi/Tristan and assistants for setting this up, and now ready to move toward implementation.
Bravo and onward!
The guru is in you.
Superb. Well done, Tristan!
Onward and outward…
Inward & upward!
This is very exciting! AYP will blossom through this[OM]
Hope it will be near Paris, France
Hi everyone,
We have found a fantastic venue for the first AYP teacher training course. It is a meditation retreat centre in the Dordogne region of central France. The centre is called Le Moulin De Chaves and is a large house in the French countryside, by a river with 5 acres of land. They have a meditation hall which we will use for the practice and study sessions. They have their own vegetable gardens where a lot of the food for events is grown.
For anyone who does not know France, the Dordogne is one of the most beautiful regions in the country.
The dates are set for the 21st April to the 19th May 2017.
Alex Wales who is one of the UK AYP teachers, will be joining the teaching team for this event.
More details to follow soon.
Nice! Hopefully I can make it. (Unless you put me on the No Fly List, Christi, due to past transgressions. Hopefully, leniency and forgiveness will prevail. )
Hi Bodhi,
It would be brilliant of you could make it.
Will keep you updated.
Sweet! I’ll be ready.
Hi everyone,
Full details of the International Teacher Training Course (TTC) are now available on my website here.
The full TTC curriculum is also online now.
Contact me if you are interested in attending the course, or complete the online application form.
Wow. Impressive curriculum. Well done, Christi. I’ll be there. [OM] [OM]
Impressive indeed in one month, it took me much longer, but hey I didn’t found the AYP lessons back then.
If I may humble suggest to the becoming trainees, it could be helpful to start studying the books on anatomy, physiology and philosophy, if you didn’t already
Hi Charliedog,
There will be a recommended reading list going out to the people who are attending the course.
As far as anatomy and physiology go, in keeping with the whole of the AYP teachings, there will not be a great deal of emphasis placed on physical anatomy and much more emphasis placed on understanding the subtle anatomy, (chakras and nadis etc.) and on how this relates to practices.
Sorry to interfere Christi, my apologies
You’re all good, Charliedog! It’s better to have plenty of knowledge than too little. Interestingly enough, I will be finishing massage school shortly before the France certification, so I’ll be stocked up with anatomy and physiology classes, and it will supplement the study of the subtle anatomy, for sure. [OM]
Delighted to hear about your upcoming body, mind and beyond studies Bodhi. Hope you will share some of your study experiences here. Massage is for sure at my ‘wish to do’ list too. With me starting yoga once, I became a student forever. [OM]
And every moment of it.
Hi guys,
A few people have asked me if it will be O.K. to attend the Teacher Training Course simply to deepen their own personal practice and to widen their knowledge of yoga, even though they do not have any plans to teach at the end of the course. It is fine to do this. Many people make use of Yoga TTC’s in this way, as they obviously cover a lot more ground than regular retreats.