Int. AYP Teacher Training: France, April-May 2017

Wishing all beginning the one month AYP teacher training course in France this week the very best!
The guru is in you. :pray:

Thank you, Yogani!
I expect you to manifest out of thin air midway through. A couple weeks of anticipation should be sufficient for us to get primed for your arrival, then you can take us down the home stretch in spectacular fashion! :grin:

Moderator note: The discussion on arriving at retreats with expectations has been split off to here.

Bodhi, be careful your Bhakti doesn’t cause you to burst into flames… :grin:

It’s better to burn out than to fade away. :stuck_out_tongue:

Be careful what you wish for. :wink:

Appreciative of the sentiments :pray: The journey begins!

Indeed! I better be wishing for self-pacing, more than anything. I invoke it everyday. :slight_smile:

Wishing teachers, participants and all who are involved in the upcoming first AYP Teacher Training Course a wonderful time :pray:

This was a superb training program. I’ve been studying, practicing, and informally teaching AYP for 7 years now, so this TTC was a major benchmark for me in deepening my devotion to spreading the magic of this open-source system.
Great job by Tristan in leading the full month of practices, academics, karma yoga, and other activities. My fellow students from across the world were a joy to learn and bond with. Our last night was full of stillness and ecstasy as we danced our hearts away in the spirit of bhakti, celebration, and divine love. I would highly recommend this certification course to anyone who has a passion for bringing AYP to the community. It’s well worth it.
Now that I have the certification, and more importantly, new connections within the AYP network…
The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades. :sunglasses:

Wow, Bodhi. I had to wear the real shades not the bootlegged one! :stuck_out_tongue:
I can’t imagine how beautiful a month retreat would be. It’s definitely on my list. Congratulations on your certification.
You’ll be a great teacher. I’m always impressed by the elegance, enthusiasm and love with which you deliver AYP.
Congratulations to all the AYP teachers.[OM]

Congratulations to all of you who participated in the AYP TTC. May your light shine brightly all over the globe. :heart: :pray:

I too salute all the participants and the teachers for the wonderful program. When time permits, do give us a report of sorts.

:pray: :heart:

So when and where is the next one? :grin:

Hi All,
I got back from France last night. We had a great time on the TTC. It was a full course, with up to 7 hours of yoga a day (asana, pranayama, meditation and lecture classes), and also a lot of fun and with time off to explore the local area.
We had a great group of practitioners and the depth of silence during practices was amazing. We began using three sitting practice sessions a day during the first two weeks of the course, and then went up to four a day for the second two weeks. A lot of transformations and openings took place during the course. It was wonderful to see the power of the practices when used in retreat mode over that period of time, and to see the changes that took place in people over the course of a month.
A big thanks to Devrim, Alex and Blanche who taught with me on the course, and also to the staff and volunteers at Le Moulin de Chaves, who cooked such amazing food and kept everything running smoothly!
We now have 22 more AYP Yoga teachers in the world. Congratulations to everyone who took part! :slight_smile:

Hi Maheswari,
Devrim is planning the next AYP Teacher Training Course to be held at his retreat centre on Koh Tao in Thailand during September/ October 2018. It will be another international retreat taught in the English language and run as a 4 week course. Details to follow soon…
After that, I am planning to run another 4 week AYP Teacher Training Course at Suryalila in Andalucia, Southern Spain, during Feb/ March 2019. Again, it will be in the English language. Details will be posted here when they become available and also on the retreats page.

wow…no overload?
As for me.after 1.5 year of no sitting practices at all,now since few months i am doing few minutes of SBP and silent meditation
i guess no retreats for me before i reach at least 1 sitting of 20 minutes

Hi Maheswari,
We were using the standard AYP self pacing methods during the course. If people found that they were overly sensitive to the mantra during meditation, then they were encouraged to cut back on practice times or to use breathing meditation instead. And the same for Spinal Breathing, where people were encouraged to cut back on timings or to use Alternate Nostril Breathing instead, if they were experiencing high levels of sensitivity to practices.
Most people used Spinal Breathing Pranayama, Deep Meditation and Samyama throughout the whole course.
People who were going through powerful openings and awakening experiences, who found that four sessions a day were too much for them, were encouraged to go out walking instead of doing the second sittings each day if they needed to. This was the case for about 4 or 5 people towards the end of the course. People going through awakenings were given one-to-one support from the teachers. Some people on the course experienced the awakening of kundalini for the first time, whilst others were going through heart openings and even crown openings for the first time. So the teachers were supporting people through the process of awakening, as well as teaching their regular classes related to the teacher training aspect of the course.
Some people went through very powerful experiences, which will take them time to integrate into their normal day-to-day life after the course. This is quite normal after such a long retreat.
Self-pacing went both ways, with some of the more advanced practitioners doing extra sittings each day during their free time. So some people were doing 5 or 6 sittings a day plus the advanced pranayama practices.

In general, yes, to do a course like this, it would be good to be stable with your current practice first and to be able to sit for at least 40 minutes, twice a day at home.

Thank you, Christi for sharing. :pray: It sounds beautiful and good to know there was support for those who needed it.
I have a request- can we have Trevor Hall for one of the dharma talks in the retreat ? :blush:
Great job on hosting the first TTC.

Hi Sunyata,

We’ll see if he is available… I am sure he would be up for it! :grin:

:pray: Back from the month old retreat and still floating…
So here is a review of sorts:
Teachers: What can I say… They all complimented each other. There was profound knowledge there - about the subjects they covered and they were a real inspiration. Christi is the personification of inner silence. Devrim is such an inspiration - on the last day off there were a few brave souls who attempted 54 rounds of sun salutations led by Devrim. From the first surya namaskar performed right till the last one Devrim was the same graceful poetry in motion. Alex was our anatomy guru. His enthusiasm was SO infectious that all of us wanted to become anatomists ( ?) by then end of four weeks. His lecture about the delicate topic of Brahmacharya was superbly tackled. Lastly Blanche - her instructions on talking people through asanas, adjustments were remarkable and very helpful. It was extremely helpful to have a lady teacher - btw.
Venue : Steeped in silence and with a history of Zen monks practicing on the site for over a decade - the peace and energies were palpable. There was a weir onsite with a soothing background noise of running water. The meditation hall was great - with lovely acoustics and perfect for our chanting. The beautiful yurt that made patterns from the leaves sliding down and birdsong in the backdrop was a perfect setting for our afternoon practices. The food served was so good that Devrim had to do a class on fasting :grin: . We have all come back with recipe inspirations. Gail, Martin, Sarah, Mathew - our hosts were so hospitable that they had us fighting over - even karma yoga! We also got an additional advantage of Martin giving us a talk about the concept of " no -self" in Buddhism.
The course and curriculum: We practiced upto four times a day - building up sittings slowly. The sessions included AYP asana sequences, pranayama, DM, samyama. We had teaching practice lessons, lectures on all eight limbs of yoga. AYP advanced practices, anatomy, Ayurveda, bhagwad geeta, history of yoga, yoga sutras, hatha yoga pradipeeka, all the shatkarmas and the list continues… All in all I think everything that a yoga teacher needs was covered. The exam was a very AYP style exam - getting us to think about self-pacing and grounding and of course covering all other aspects of yoga and a teaching assessment.
Participants: We had 22 participants covering 13 nationalities. The course was in English but the participants delivered teaching lessons as if they had been speaking in English all their lives. I learnt as much from the participants as from the teachers. I have 21 friends for live now( I hear sigh - no getting rid of me that easy ! :wink: )
:pray: Sujata