Donations to AYP

Hello All:
Donations for helping make the AYP writings available to everyone around the world are accepted, and may be made through:

Paypal: PayPal membership is not required. Just enter your donation amount and click on the “Donate with Debit or Credit Card” link.

Stripe: Covering Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc.

Venmo: @ayppublishing

Bitcoin on PayPal: bc1qashf4gcmnetyqzp3qp7pqm4eu47xzmkrdz2rdj
Or write here for a Bitcoin Q-code, and other cryptocurrencies available.

It is preferred that any donations be for value you feel has been received, rather than for expectations about the future. In this way, the benefits that you have received can be translated into opportunities for others to receive similar benefits.

Your support in “paying it forward” is much appreciated, enabling us to continue sharing the free AYP lessons and resources with many others around the world.

Thank you, and all the best on your path!

The guru is in you.

PS: AYP is not a non-profit tax exempt entity, and donations are not deductible for tax purposes in the USA.

I’m going to make a Paypal donation to help subsidize Yogani’s expenses on this generous offer (I’m quite certain there’s no strings attached to his offer…so I’m just going to do my part to help it stay stringless!). Would anyone care to join me? Here’s the link: AYP/Paypal Donation Link

Hi Jim,
I’ve joined you in making a donation to AYP. I feel it’s the least I can do for all the positive changes that Yogani and AYP have helped bring into my life. I hope that it will help ease at least a small portion of some of the financial burdens that Yogani is bearing to bring these teachings to us and to keep this forum up and running for everyone’s benefit.
I hope others will do the same, for more ways that people can help please see this below link to an earlier post on this subject.

Great, Anthem, glad to hear it.
Yogani’s expenses will be ongoing, and he could probably use some support on a continuing basis. And I’ll be enjoying AYP (the practice, the forum, Yogani’s input) on a continuing basis, as well. So rather than try to figure out “what AYP is worth to me” and pay some inflated figure right now and deem my obligation over, I’ve just shot 40 bucks to help cover shipping of meditation guides. When I think of it (or hear some expense has cropped up…or after a few months go by) I’ll send more. And every once in a while when I realize how much AYP has helped me, I’ll send as large amount as I can stomach. If there were a pricetag of several thousand bucks on the AYP “product” at, like, Walmart, and I knew how much it’d improve my life, I’d purchase it in a split second. I will bear this in mind as I contribute. Maybe others haven’t gotten as much out of the practice, but I’m trying to think of a reason why Yogani doesn’t deserve like 1% of my yearly income. That might seem extreme, but, again, if someone were able to take away all the benefits of practice and charge me $$$$$ to regain them, I must admit: I’d find a way to pay. And it’s hard to get past that (though my stingy brain is working overtime to think of rationalizations).
In any case, just as we’re practicing AYP for the long term, we ought to consider our support to be likewise.
This is just my personal way of seeing it, obviously. I’m not trying to impose my view on anyone else.

I have the same point of view as you Jim and Anthem too.
The value that AYP has improved my life this far is much more than I can donate right now, but a little each time adds up in the long run, and hopefully your initiative can get a snowball rolling. And I’m sure Yogani’s generosity will come back multiplied one way or the other.

Before donating I have a quick question:
The email address is but I read somewhere that this is not your address. I just wanted to confirm before hitting the donation button.

Hi SeekingShiva:
Yes, that is the correct email address.
Thanks much for your support!
The guru is in you.

Is that PayPal link still valid? How do you donate?

Hi Anthony:
Yes, the “AYP on Paypal” link in the first post of this topic is still good. Or the aforementioned yogani99 email address can be used on Paypal as well.
The guru is in you.

I am very very thankful to you and the wonderful job you are doing for sharing all these things without any strings attached.
We cannot put any monetary value to your help as it will be insult and cannot be justified by the mere small amounts which I can donate.
In old days people use to spend years and years in ashram to learn all this sacred knowledge and here you have provided us with all the details.
So being said that, please accept my small donation and also please accept my virtual bow down to your holy feat for providing us this knowledge.
Please pass on your blessings that we(my whole family) can devote more and more time on this journey and have time and liberty to follow your instructions.
Please let me know if I could be of any help for this humble cause.
Warmest regards

Yogani - normally I don’t support what I would initially consider to be a religious (non-secular) org - but I think Yogani with AYP has succeeded in whatever it is that he initially had in mind.
Yogani, I hate to disagree: YOU are my Guru (though I don’t know your mind-body-sense complex - i’m really saying Yogani=AYP)
My PLEDGE for 2010 (target) $3,000
OM ayyam OM

Namaste Friends…
Just thought that I would remind everyone that a donation to AYP this Christmas season would be a great way to share the Christmas spirit, keep the AYP writings and forum going, and show Yogani how much we all value the AYP system. Hope you all can find a small amount to give back this Christmas season.
May you all have a blessed and happy holiday season.
With Love.

Please note that if you are PayPal members for higher amounts (not sure exactly how much the threshold is) you will be asked to confirm your card by typing in a 4-digit code that will appear on your credit card monthly statement. Happy holidays and best of luck for 2010 :slight_smile:

Yogani Ji
My pledge is still good — I’m just trying to figure out how to save the first 500 - the holiday spending hit hard - but this is the only cause I wish to donate to this 2010

Hi Anil:
Your interest is supporting AYP is much appreciated. But please don’t create a burden for yourself with it.
There are many ways to help, and each will do what they can according to the heart.
From my side, the preference is for any donations to be for the perception of benefits received already, not for anything in the future. No expectations. :slight_smile:
Wishing you all the best on your path. Practice wisely, and enjoy! I have that wish for everyone, released in the stillness we all share…
The guru is in you.

Hello AYP members;
I have 9 Bundled packages of “AYP Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living eBooks ( Volumes 1 & 2 )” that I would like to give away while stocks last.
If anyone is interested plz don’t hesitate to contact me.

IWe have just made a donation to this site. We use it everyday!

Hello yogani and all,
I was thinking of donating to aypsite in a way that also promotes the teachings and practices and is extra fun.
Hence this question: Is purchasing ebooks from the aypsite for friends an effective way to donate?
In other words: which percentage of the amount spent on ebooks can be used for the operating/developing of aypsite, and which percentage is the paying of costs to not directly involved parties (which I guess would be mostly the financial intermediaries)?
This way of donating is appealing to me because it could be a nice way of (1) sharing why I love the teachings on aypsite, (2) making friends happy with a gift and (3) supporting aypsite financially.
It might have (4) some other rollover benefits as well. For instance more people reviewing the books on amazon or elsewhere.
Thank you
[OM] :heart: [OM]

Hi Omsat:
Thanks much for your kind note and sharing. All funds that come in to AYP are used for further developing and sharing the knowledge, so any book purchase (the main source of funds) will be toward that end. Gifting AYP books to others is a good way to help AYP also, while at the same time providing exposure to the knowledge for others.
Direct downloads of ebooks or audiobooks through AYP, or through any of the channels shown on the books page, are more or less equal in their financial support to AYP, so the best channel to use is the one that best suits your needs.
And, of course, direct donations are welcome also, as is any support anyone may wish to provide for their region for organizing meditation groups, retreats, etc. There are many ways to help out with AYP. Whatever works best for you.
Many thanks, and wishing you all the best on your path!
The guru is in you.

Dear yogani,
Thank you very much for clarifying and adding useful information in your reply.
For my friends in Western countries I would opt sending them the eBook.
However, I’m currently staying in the Philippines and quite a few of spiritually inclined friends here don’t have easy access to internet. For them a hardcopy would be better.
For the Philippines, do you advise purchasing from Amazon China, Amazon India, or another channel?
Amazon China makes much sense geographically, but I don’t speak Mandarin…
I read about the Quantity Discount for paperback books on the other thread. Which is the quantity of books that makes this option worth (considering the location: Philippines)?
Would it help if some arrangement is made in which I purchase the electronic version and print the books here locally, while paying the due share (excluding printing costs) to aypsite?
I imagine this would be interesting for you to consider only for a certain amount of books being printed, to avoid practical hassle for little return. If so, please advise me on the quantity required, so I can decide… I live in a small place, far away from the city and live a little bit a secluded life, so too large amount would make this option less suitable for me.
In that case, I could make a donation every time I print and share a book instead, if this is in accordance with the copyrights?
Thank you for further advising,