Donations to AYP

Hi Omsat:
There are several ways to go:
With the direct downloads, you can order an ebook (or audiobook, which includes the ebook) in your own name for another person and forward the download email to them. This is preferred over sending ebooks around as email attachments, which sends the wrong message. They are not for email attachment distribution hither and yon.
If those you would like to share AYP with do not have computer or internet access, you can print the direct download ebook (PDF version) and share it. In that case, it would be essentially the same as a third party published/printed and distributed translation, for which AYP receives a 10% royalty in US dollars on the paperback edition list price. List prices can be found on Amazon USA (do not use the Amazon discounted prices for royalty calculation). For the enlightenment series books, that would be 10% of $11.95, or $1.20 for each hard copy book distributed, which can be sent back totaled every few months using the AYP Paypal donation link.
An option for obtaining AYP paperback books is to order the India editions from Grasroutes in New Delhi. These are printed in India and are much less expensive than the USA and UK printed books. However, international shipping from India to the Philippines could be costly and/or unreliable. Check with Grasroutes for particulars, including any quantity discount.
Other options for obtaining paperbacks would be Amazon in China or India as you suggested (or Japan), but these prices are based on UK publishing and tend to be high for Asia. So is international shipping, and there is no guarantee the books will get there. In general, we have not had good experience with shipping books internationally. The same applies to the USA or UK quantity discounts direct from AYP’s printer – not recommended outside the USA, Canada, UK, EU and Australia due to shipping cost and reliability issues.
Many thanks for your interest in sharing AYP!
The guru is in you.

Hi yogani,
Thanks for the very informative and extensive reply.
I have had some failure with sending internationally from India as well in the past (other than aypsite materials) and I have heard import in the Philippines is not always reliable also.
I’m happy the option with the donation link is fine with you, that seems very convenient. It’s also relatively cheap to print in the Philippines.
I always feel good in my heart when talking/sharing aypsite teachings and wisdom. So, I can wholeheartedly say it’s a pleasure to share :slight_smile: Thank you for making it all happen!!
Warm wishes,

Hello Yogani
Thanks for all the great knowledge and sharing with all of us. I can see your love, affection and spirtual energy in all the lessons. As a token of love i will do a small contribution to the AYP. Even though I don’t have the Paypal account i thnk I can still do that.
Thanks and lot of love

Yes Pkj, it says in the first post here that you don’t need a Paypal account to donate.
All this talk of donating from you and Omsat has inspired me to do the same…so easy using Paypal.
The last few months of steady practice of AYP techniques seem to have done more for me than the previous 30 years of sporadic yoga efforts and the thought of it brings tears to my eyes. :pray:
Thank you AYP - Yogani. :heart:

Dear Yogani,
Could you provide an alternative to paypal for donation? If I recall I made my purchase through google. Could you make that link feasible for donation? Paypal does not seem to provide the same opportunity for both purchasing and, definitely, donation.
Thank you.

Hi Clear Benedictus:
Thank you for your interest in helping out.
In addition to Paypal, donations can be made through Stripe covering Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc.
Wishing you all the best on your path, and thanks again for you interest in supporting the work!
The guru is in you.

Hello All:
Donations to AYP can now be made through Stripe in addition to Stripe enables the use of Apple Pay, Google Pay, and credit card. Paypal enables the use of Paypal or credit card.
Your support is much appreciated, enabling us to continue sharing the free AYP lessons and resources around the world.
Thank you, and all the best on your path!

Thank you Yogani for the ecstasy and rising inner silence. A donation has been made in your honor.


Hi All,
Venmo (@ayppublishing) has been added to the payment processors on the list where donations can be received.
Thank you for your support over the years, helping us continue to share AYP around the world.
The guru is in you.

Hi again All,
We have just added the ability to securely accept cryptocurrencies via Paypal. For Bitcoin, see the listing and address here:
In addition to Bitcoin, Paypal also currently supports payments in Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and PayPal-USD cryptocurrencies. Details available on request.
Thank you again for your support over the years!
The guru is in you.