AYP Retreat Experience, Murray Hill, NJ - Dec 2010

I had an amazing retreat once again. GOD is very generous to me, HE gave me not just one but two retreats in one year. HE is a good salesman. Well, I had been having an intense pain in my chest even before I landed at the retreat. The pain would intensify while I am in deep meditation. The pain gets so severe that tears roll down my eyes. I used to put hot water bag on my chest but no luck. Strange are the calls of pain! The pain increases when I listen to any melodious songs or listen to lectures or even when I read good articles or books. Heavy chested, I landed at the retreat and as usual the pain increased with all the love around. Shweta helped me easing out my pain a little.
After I returned back home, continued with my yoga and regular life. Something magical happened and I feel like hugging everyone. Ofcourse I have not stopped from hugging though! #61514; Today something interesting happened; a tech salesman came home to repair my laptop. As I opened the door, I was shockingly surprised, he looked exactly like Carson. I told him that he resembled my friend Carson from Canada. He was all smiling. While he was setting my computer right I started making him some tea. He said he already had something and was good. I don’t know what came onto me I said I am making a special Indian tea and I felt Carson was in my house. I made him some tea and we talked about computers. I gave him some tips as he was leaving . I wanted to hug him too but just wished him happy Christmas and happy holidays. I have become a HUGGER in action now! #61514;
For free WARM and LOVING hugs come to Rohini!


Hahaha…awesome :slight_smile:
Obviously it wasn’t “me,” as I don’t fix computers, I only break them. :wink: (4 this year alone :astonished: )
About the pain in the chest… when I “feel into it” it feels like a combination between “devotional pain” (the pain of loving so strongly but having a hard time finding an appropriate “object/outlet” for all the love) and a “purification pain.” I would strongly suggest pacing yourself accordingly Rohini. I know you have an extremely in depth practice routine established, but I would recommend backing off a bit and being really easy with yourself for a while. Just my suggestions :slight_smile: You’ll continue to be in my prayers. :sleeping:

Thank you Shanti and Carson. My chest pain has decreased after I started the hugging race. I feel very good and elated after the hug and in general too. Yes, I have been hug pacing as I do not have people around me continuously! But I do hug and talk to objects around me.
Carson it was you, I know it, with that cute smile :slight_smile: , maybe not the computers thingy.Thank you for having me in your prayers, you are in mine too.
Off late, I have become forgetful, I am forgetting names of people and stuff. :astonished:
This too shall pass!!
Love and (((((hugs)))))

I was going to say the same thing… if he was there to fix the computer, it wasn’t Carson. Carson has the fry electronics siddhi. Carson did you count mine in the 4 you broke this year? :clown_face:
Or maybe it was Carson, he uses his siddhi to break computers, and then sends his alter ego to fix them. :grin: :clown_face:
I agree with Carson, Rohini, do self pace.
We now have another name for you, Rohini (Angelina), the Hugging Devi. :slight_smile:

HA! :grin:
Life works in mysterious ways and everything is connected… :wink:


:slight_smile: _/_ This whole heart-opening thingy can be quite the wild ride for a while ... but Rohini ......... it is SO worth it. The craziness and the pain, no matter how real it feels in any moment, is part of the dream (not the physical discomfort; obviously, that's quite real in experience - I mean the underlying issues that bring it on, are part of the dream - as evidenced by the fact that they can be, and are, let go, as we keep practicing). It cycles for a while ..... openness, closed-ness, (seeming) craziness and (real) love. And then, ultimately, it resolves. Reality emerges. There's only heart. Only love. And it's only worth everything. Really. (((((H U G))))) Wholeheartedly, Kirtanman PS- The forgetful thingy? I think that's the trade-off. I'd be happy to tell you whether that part is difficult or not ..... but I don't remember! :grin:

This retreat had a different flavor than the Allentown retreat. The stillness was the same, but because it was a smaller group and most of the practitioners were fairly new to the practices, the energy level was not as high. However because it was a smaller group, there was more time to have one-on-one interactions with people, it was more intimate. That was a pleasure and a treasure. :slight_smile:
Most of the people at the group are not at the forum, and hence we have not had too many people telling us about their experiences. Hopefully some more will.
I would like to share a couple of experiences of my own.
This was my first time teaching a group face to face. I have lead meditation groups before, but they were generally with people I knew, and in most cases it was just practices we talked about. I have done a lot of teaching/guiding/helping at the forums and through emails, but it has always been written correspondence. So when I went to NJ for the retreat I was not sure what to expect. I will have to say that Parallax and Kami and Carson and Cosmic and Kirtanman and Richard and Yonatan had more faith in me being able to pull it off than I had in myself. Thanks guys… you are the best. Also, Purity, Omnmhshvay and Rohini had a lot of faith in my ability to lead than I did I think… thank you ladies for inviting me.
It is a blessing to know all of you. :kissing_heart:
The first afternoon I started with the lesson on " Lesson 327 – The Evolutionary Stages of Mind. ". This was to prepare the grounds for the next days session on self Inquiry. Although a couple of days prior to the retreat I had wondered how I would convey the lessons in the right way, I was not really worried. One advantage of living in the present is you forget things… like being nervous. :blush: And yet the thought had crossed my mind on more than one occasion, I wonder if I will be able to do justice to the lesson. Once I was at the retreat though, the silence took over and things began to flow, like it had in the A’town retreat. Once it was all done, due to all the presence there was at the retreat, I did not go into the “mind evaluation” of the sessions.
But the most beautiful thing happened that night. We were getting ready for bed, and in the locker room, Helena came and gave me a hug. She said something to the effect, “thank you. That was a really good session”. I was not expecting it, and I said “really? Thanks for the feed back. This is my first time teaching face to face and I was not sure how I would be… if I would be ready to teach like this”. She had the most beautiful expression of surprise and love on her face. She smiled and said, “of course you are ready to teach… you are so knowledgeable and clear. You answer the question asked and not go off in a tangent and have some other agenda that can confuse people more”. That was a beautiful moment. I could see why everyone else had so much faith in me… and since it came from someone when I was not expecting it, it just gave me a clarity that I did not have before. It was an opening, a block lifted… something that helped me become more solid in the here. Thanks Helena!!!
One other experience I had was the second night. AmericanBaba introduced us to the REBT (Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy) technique. I had met him at the Allentown retreat. He is very quiet but has the most pleasant personality, lovely energy and peace about him. As he was explaining the technique, we asked him a bit more about his work… he works at a juvenile detention center. He uses the REBT technique on the kids at the detention center. He gave us real life examples working with really violent kids, going though the process and by the end of the process, the kids actually letting go the anger… letting go the idea that they had to fight in order to keep the idea they need to be respected in place. He talked so calmly, there was so much peace in him as he spoke. I have often though about how our justice system throws kids into a juvenile detention center and instead of working with them and showing them how they can let go the anger, they keep them there till they are 18 and send them out into the world again. So as I listened to AmericanBaba explain what he has been doing with the kids, made my heart overflow with love. So I asked him if this happened in all juvenile detention centers. This is what touched me the most… he said no… he has spend his own money and time learning in depth how to work with REBT technique, so he could work with the children. I was speechless. I had the opportunity to meet a true karma yogi that day. The beauty was, he does not do this because it was a spiritual thing to do, or because he thought he was a karma yogi… he does it because he enjoys helping children.
Thank you American baba… you filled my heart with hope and love.
I had a few personal moments of joy, tears and happiness sharing very sweet moments with some of the other participants too. Each one there were so ready to open and let the love and stillness flow into their world.
I will steal Carson’s words here…

Thank you!!! :+1:

What a beautiful experience, Shanti. Thank you for the detailed sharing. I know you know this already, but sometimes it’s difficult to see ourselves clearly. Especially our strengths or good qualities. I learned so much from you at A-town, not just from your words but just from watching you and being in your presence. I hope you believe now.
P.S. - I knew there was something profound about that American Baba guy, just couldn’t put my finger on it :wink: :grin:

Thanks Cosmic.
We have no idea what we look like till we see ourselves in a mirror… thanks to all of you for being my mirror. :sleeping:

“There are two ways of spreading light …To be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it” Edith Wharton
I love you Shanti. I have learnt a lot from you.
Cosmic: I echo your words about being in the presence of Shanti. I felt it more this retreat as I shared the room with her! I missed Greg and you though with no night adventure :frowning:

Some of those moments were with you Rohini. It was such a pleasure watching you open over the weekend. :slight_smile:
PS: I can vouch for the fact that she really missed Cosmic and Greg… I fell asleep and stayed asleep and she really needed someone to go on her walk at night. :grin:

Hello All,
I was there at the retreat too. Shanti and me have been chating after the retreat on facebook. I am pretty much new to AYP. But yes YOGANI thank you so much for providing us with such powerful tools. This was my first retreat but my experience has been great. I felt very calm and happy eternally. I agree with all, that love has been flowing Immensely and I feel like that in my everyday life too. Things that irritated me, now i feel like looking at them in a different way. Just feel like accepting everything around with a smile and touch of love. Thank you again YOGANI. Also special thanks to Shanti, Doug, Richard for listening to me during the retreat and offcourse you Rohini how can I imagine leaving you out.

Welcome to the AYP forums BinaM. :slight_smile:
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us.

Hi All
Thanks all of you for taking this initiative and seeing this thru. Its lot of hard work !. Purity - Everyone felt your presence.
I, finally got myself registered. Loved the idea of creating own name identity. Liked the name Americanbaba and had the opportunity to connect with him post retreat. All the names i tried were already take away ! I attended just the last day but got many queries answered. Realized quickly i wasn’t following directions & corrected those. Shanti & Doug - Felt, i have known you both for a while & it may be true for all. Was glad that Ruchi connected with you (Shanti). She did speak about retreat for the next 3 days. Unlike Purity, Rohini & Omnmhshvay, we have to go a long way. They are our Prerna for Edison & we just got 2 more - Shanti & Doug! .
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all of you.

Welcome to the AYP forums Sahaj.!!!
Great to see you here. :slight_smile:
Happy Holidays to you too!!!

Hi Sahaj, Welcome to forums. Does your name mean easy, or does it have a more deeper meaning… :question:
Having Ruchi share the room with me was also great. We just laughed and laughed before we fell asleep.

Hi Sahaj,
Welcome to the AYP Forum!
Happy Holidays, to you, too (& “belated” Merry Christmas! :slight_smile: )
And yes, it was great meeting and talking at the retreat; I enjoyed our conversations, and enjoyed your contributions to the group conversations (in our last session, at lunch, etc.), as well.
I’m very glad you’re here at the forum as well; for quite a few of us, the community here at the AYP support forum is a significant overall resource, and it has contributed very directly and powerfully to the results that we enjoy from practices.
*“aka Doug”, as I’m pretty sure most everyone knows by now.

Wow, I’ve got it bad! Since about an hour ago – That familiar, pain in my chest. Just “scenery” I suppose. Seems much like what Rohini describes. I know its texture, its shape and it is not a physical heart problem. I remember once back in '94, about a year before my ascent of the soul experience, I woke up from sleep with such a pain, and it was so bad, and strangely unfamiliar, I insisted on going to ER for an EKG. This time around, it is a similar pain, but without the anxiety. My intuition tells me that something needs to change in my life, and that something will change, and that it will be wonderful and for the better. We shall see.

Hi Bina,
Welcome to the forums, too! (I just realized I hadn’t said hello here, since you started posting. :slight_smile: )
It’s great to see so many from our New Jersey retreat joining in; I’m very happy to see you all here – and am quite confident you’ll quickly see why we mentioned the forum so often, and so positively, during our retreat.