8/8: two infinities

Today, August 8, is the first anniversary of my first AYP ‘sit’.
[OM] :heart: [OM] :heart: [OM] :heart: [OM] :heart: [OM] :heart: [OM] :heart: [OM] :heart: [OM] :heart:
8/8: two infinity (and beyond!). One year ago yoga was something I did; today yoga is something I AM! I bow in gratitude and humility to the wonder of the ALL. :pray:

[OM] :sunglasses: [OM]

:slight_smile: great milestone!
It really is amazing. And it is infinite and so full of life. Wish we could all see it together! :grin:

Well played :grin:
Congrats on 1 year!

:heart: :slight_smile: :heart:

Thank you friends for accompanying me on these travels beyond the ordinary! :heart: [OM]

:pray: [OM] two years and counting [OM] :pray:
How far I’ve come, how far still to go, ALL will be revealed when ripe and ready.
:pray: to all fellow travelers who have shared the road with me :pray:

Happy anniversary Dogboy! :heart: Two infinity and beyond :sunglasses:
You are allowed to play with the emoticons today as much as you like, since it’s a special occasion :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeahhhh! So glad you are here. Your presence is much appreciated. Really hope we will cross paths in person at some point (at a retreat perhaps). :pray:

Happy anniversary Dogboy; Wishing you continued progress :heart: :pray:

Very happy to be one of your fellow travellers ! Happy second anniversary Dogboy ! More miracles will happen :heart: :slight_smile:

Blue’s orders: :-1: :question: :grin: :slight_smile: :astonished: :kissing_heart: :wink: :blush: :clown_face: :skull: :sleeping: :+1: :heart: :smiling_imp: :grin: :question: :kissing_heart: :astonished: [OM]
:clown_face: :heart: :clown_face:

Congratulations on your second anniversary!!! So glad you enjoyed your anniversary gift :grin:

:clown_face: There goes dogboy, throwing his own birthday party again :clown_face:
Three years of AYP today, twenty one in dog years :grin:
:sunglasses: . [OM]Party at the Solar Center[OM] all yogis invited! :sunglasses:

He’s unstoppable, uncontrollable, undeniable! Rock the party! [OM]
And if a little easily favoring of the solar plexus is the price of admission, count me in. :sunglasses:

Will be there!!! :sunglasses: Many Happy returns!!![OM][OM] :heart:

1 year? It seems like you’ve always been here, Dogboy. Okay, I see the dates now. :blush:

Many many happy returns! :pray:


twenty one in dog years
[/quote]Sounds good!! :grin:
Many happy returns!