8/8: two infinities

Congrats, Dogboy! :heart: :pray:

:pray: Namasté Dogboy! :heart:

What is your daily routine nowadays Dogboy!

Hail Jusmail!
Usually one sitting of:
5 min SBP
20 min DM
11 samyama sutras then rest
I fit asanas in throughout the day, along with some pranayama while driving; also amaroli 2-3 times a week. Ecstatic conductivity really fuels my Bhakti, and inner silence is easily accessed throughout the day just by gentle attention to it. AYP has provided me with a stable yoga platform and my inner guru is a constant companion :grin: . I feel truly blessed, thanks for asking :pray:

That’s wonderful Dogboy! All the best :heart:

Beautiful, Dogboy. :pray: Inner guru is my rock. :heart:

In honor of 4 years of AYP practice, I revive this touchstone thread and bow 4 times:
:pray: to all my fellow spiritual travelers on our journey to rediscover our true Selves
:pray: to my AYP practices; in DM I am bathing in inner silence I am one with the Divine; in samyama I am a radiator of love
:pray: to arousal of ecstatic conductivity, for fueling my Bhakti and my knowing we are all one, that everything is within possibility
:pray: to Yogani, who’s generous gift of his life’s work allows me to post this today.
[OM] :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: [OM]

:pray: :heart: Happy Anniversary Dogboy :heart: :pray:

Another year has gone?! I wouldn’t have guessed.
Many happy returns my friend :heart: :heart:

The guru is in you. :pray:


So glad you’re still in the game, Dogboy. It’s a pleasure to have you post here.
Here’s to many more years of AYP under the belt!

:pray: to my good yogi friends :pray: let’s carry on [OM]

Congrats Dogboy!!! That’s awesome!!!

:heart: Happy 5th Anniversary to me! :heart:
Posted to AYP Plus: https://www.aypsite.com/plus-forum/index.php?topic=16419.msg147335#msg147335

Congrats, Dogboy! :heart: :pray:

Congrats Dogboy!

You are already celebrated in the Plus Forum, Dogboy… aren’t you getting spoilt? :stuck_out_tongue: :grin:
Happy anniversary! [OM]

Six years, as of today!
Cheers! https://www.aypsite.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=18157

Keep rocking!