yoni mudra kumbhaka : less effects

I add yoni mudra kumbhaka (YMK) very carefully in my practice. Today, I can do it one time every morning without overload.
But the effect seems to become less and less powerful with the practice. Before I often felt the energy going up, with full of pleasure, sometimes with some heat and sweat. Now, I feel almost nothing, just like a fuzzy glimmer on the third eyes. No heat at all.
I wonder why I feel less and less the energy ? Good or not ?
Do I need to add a new practice or to do YMK 3 times ?
My practice (2 times a day): asanas (only the morning), 5 min SBP, 1 YMK (only the morning), 15-20 min DM (mantra with first refinement),
These last months, my practice is not very regular because sometimes I don’t wake up early enough to practice. During DM, ecstatic conductivity is infrequent (less than one year ago) because I have restless thoughts and difficulties to come back to the mantra. But if I can stay in the mantra long enough (just some minutes), ecstatic conductivity comes.
After almost two year of AYP and three years of DM, I can say that DM change my life. I’m really calmer, happier, and stronger, in peace with myself and the others. I’ve meet new friends to whom I can speak like to you, recently a wonderful boyfriend and I’m going to start a long training in traditional Chinese medicine, maybe to become acupuncturist in some years.

When water flows through a rusty pipe, it has a red-brownish colour. Gradually the rust comes off and the water comes out cleaner until eventually, it is clear.
Not feeling energy can be connected to your energy channels becoming clean. Less resistance. I would suggest to not worry about what you feel during YMK. That is an unhelpful attachment. Judge by what happens in your daily life. It seems to be going very well for you!

:heart: :pray: