Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka and the retina

Hi everybody,
afer several months of spinal breathing pranayama and DM, I intoduced yoni mudra kumbhaka into my practice two weeks ago. However, I’m kind of concerned about it. The reason for it is because I had to deal with some eye problems several years ago. I had issues with my retina and finally had to undergo several surgeries with injections into the eyeball. So, when it comes to the eyes and the retina, I’m quite sensitive.
I wonder if there might be some problems with yoni mudra kumbahaka and retina issues. I know that you just should nudge the eyeballs on the lower lids. Can it be regarded as safe then? What if I nudge a little too much? Or maybe just skip yoni mudra kumbhaka and go on to the next practice?

Hi Cato,
The “nudging” of the eyeballs in yoni mudra kumbhaka is very gentle. It is done as you say, by placing the fingers on the lower eyelids (not on the eyeballs themselves). Most of the work involved in lifting the eyes is being done with the muscles of the eyes themselves, just as with shambhavi mudra.
So, yes, it is a safe practice and you cannot harm yourself.

Thank you :pray: