Yogic Methods to Reduce Heart Rate

  1. Can alternate nostril breathing reduce heart-rate?
  2. Are either ida or pingala specifically associated with a calming effect which can lower BPM & lower BP ? [self-test by breathing through only 1 nostril side then measure]
  3. Is any certain (or combination of) of bandhas effective for nause?
  4. If pranayama is effective, then at what ratio?
    1:4:2, 1:4:2:1, 1:1:1:1 (AKA box breathing)?

Hi Rerince,
Welcome to the forum.

  1. Yes, alternative nostril breathing reduces heart rate. Some of my students use it before bead-time to help them fall asleep.
  2. Working with only one side-channel may trigger imbalances. This is considered an advanced practice, and it is not a good idea to practice heavily one-side breathing just for fun.
  3. Do you mean nausea? Nausea may be a symptom of Manipura (navel chakra) purification, especially when it is experienced during yoga practice. Uddiyana Bandha, Navi Kriya, Nauli, and other shatkarmas support the process of purification and in time reduce nausea.
  4. Working with pranayama ratios of inhalation vs. exhalation may reduce heart rate. Overall, the longer the exhalation, the more the heart rate and all other functions slow down.
    Meditation is the most effective method to reduce heart rate.
    Could you write more about your interest in reducing your heart rate? :pray: