Yogani Quote NFTs

Hi Everyone,
AYP has always struggled, and continues to struggle, to stay above water financially because so much is given away for free. With Yogani’s blessing (and his real handwriting), I created some AYP NFTs to see if there’s any interest in the AYP community. To view the small collection visit:
Thanks for taking a look. Feedback welcome!
Nina [OM]

Nina, Thank you for all the work you do behind the scenes to keep this site up and running. Sorry to hear it has been a struggle financially. Not a surprise given Yogani’s generosity to offer his teachings for free. I looked at your website and it looks good. I don’t really get the NFT thing, i.e. it doesn’t appeal to me. I would imagine people embracing yoga may not be into embracing this type of ownership model but who knows.

Hi interpaul,
Thanks! It is a labor of love. Even things that are free cost money to be free.
I feel the same about NFT’s but we have been asked in the past if AYP would accept crypto donations. Though AYP has no plans to hold funds in crypto, this would be a means to accept those donations.