Yoga Sutras

Hello everybody, I hope you are well and that I post my question at the right place.
I’m wondering about the Sutras introduction “Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha”. In this sutra, “chitta” is generally translated as “the mind”, the whole mind and therefore our efforts should be aimed to quieting or silencing the whole mind.
Is that right ? Or should we consider that chitta refers only to the deep and latent impressions ? If so, we should maybe rather work on the links between what we perceive at a moment and what is called back from chitta ? Maybe that is what is gained by letting go or uncoloring the thougts ?
I’m very sorry if I’m not clear enough and thank you in advance for your attention.

Hi Martin,
Chitta refers to the whole mind. The mind is divided in three parts, buddhi mind (intelligence), Ahamkara (I am the maker/ego) and manas (deep and latent impressions) (Patanjali).
By the practice of the eight limbs of Yoga we develop inner silence, or the witness. That inner silence or witness is needed to see where the thought patterns and emotions are coming from. It becomes possible to inquire ourselves (Svadyaya). It will be seen that most of our thought patterns are coming from the past, our conditioning (manas) or that there are expectations or fantasies about the future (also linked to the past). These colored thought patterns (vritties) are the fluctuations of the mind, closely related to the emotions. By daily practice the vritties will be recognized and not of use anymore. We will get more acces to buddhi mind (intelligence). This is not a doing but a process, the yoga journey, (could be confronting) it takes as long as it takes.
Step by step (by doing our daily practices) we gain access to the present moment of now, uncolored, ever fresh. Not good, not bad.
Reality as it is, uncolored by the past and uncolored by future fantasies or expectations. Therefore also free from emotions like judging, shame, anger, sadness etc. Our lifestyle becomes more healthy, more simple and we find balance, equanimity. We are stable and loving to ourself and all living creatures.
Enjoy practice, best wishes :slight_smile: