Sorry for my language, I’m from Poland.
It is my first message so I wanted to say hello.
I have pretty serious spine problems that occured due to my unhealthy lifestyle and serious accident in childhood.
It looks pretty much similar to photo below, but more advanced.
I want to start fixing it, because there is no better time for that than present.
I have found this youtube video and when I saw 3 first poses I knew this is it.
I did them few times and it felt great, but suddenly strange feelings overwhelmed me. I felt sooooooo dizzy I couldn’t stand or even sit behind computer. I wanted to vomit so hard. I also felt like my brain is so full of air. I wen’t to my bed and tried to wait it through and after 30-60 minutes it started to get normal, but I was so full of energy after this I couldn’t sleep for all night. I had expierience with spiritual life but right now I just want my spine and my back to be healthy and not hurting. So the question is this. Can I do this regularly without any shift of my consciousness or I should do not more of yoga and try to fix this like “normal” humans do like going to swim at the pool? I was trying to google answer, but I couldn’t find any usefull info, and u guys sound like u know a lot about yoga. I have left all spirituality because of kundalini and I just want to have as much normal life, as I can in this state of consciousness, yet this back is really hurting. I don’t want to change more, because everyone already have a hard time to be in my presence. I will really appreciate any given help.
Hello Larimar, welcome to the AYP forum
Could you please let us know how long was your asana session? And how many times a day did you practice?
Did you get these unpleasant sensation after one session only or after a number of sessions?
Asanas are a mild form of yoga practice. They don’t stimulate kundalini as much as other practices do, but if you are sensitive to yoga practices, you need to self-pace even your asana sessions. That is reduce the length of the sessions and, if necessary, the number of asanas to a level where the symptoms are tolerable.
Perhaps if you reduce the movements and do a gentle savasana (lying down, relaxed, on you back, on a straight, firm surface), the energy that is causing the symptoms might settle down. Have you tried savasana at the end of your asana routines?
It is possible that any exercise that will work to straighten your back might have dramatic effects, simply because a straighter posture results in an increased flow of energy along the spine. Whether you practiced yoga before or not, you seemed to have made some steps along the spiritual path. This comment of yours is telling:
What would the people around you choose for you? Do you think they might be happy to put up with a bit of trouble, if, at the of it, you will be healthier and more comfortable with your posture?
Maybe a combination of self-pacing your asana practice (as I explained above) and enlisting a bit of support from your family and friends will work?
Best wishes. I hope you find a solution
PS. You English is very good, you really have nothing to apologize for.
The session was 10-15 minutes. I only did 3 first poses, each for 2-3 times.
It was first time ever when I did this session and it was so intense. I’m very sensitive person in every aspect of being. I can’t drink alcohol, even 1 beer. I can’t take any stronger medicine like for example pills that will help me sleep. I feel in my entire body consequences of this actions and it always hurts, even for few days.
Thank you, I will remember this when I will feel like doing this again. I’m too scared right now of feeling too intense again, even if it won’t be like this.
I don’t actually remember how I did this. It was first time when I did this poses. I just did what I felt I should, I didn’t force anything, I allowed my body to act as it wants. I think, I did.
Thank you so much! I feel like writing in this forum to get this information was the goal of my intuition that guided me here. I was thinking, that this could be the main source of my issue. My spine is hurt so much and healing it will probably change everything. When I think about it right know I don’t think that I’m ready for that intense changes, when I’m that sensitive. Yes. I’m pretty sure I’m not ready, because I’m to weak to do anything that is too intense. I know why. I just changed in few months. In every aspect and everything is too fresh to change even more.
Yes. I took first steps in this journey many years ago. There was nothing that wasn’t changed in my life due to this choice. I awaken kundalini by accident and didn’t know back then what can be consequences of practising this road. I was so selfish. So alone. So very, very young and misguided. You have no idea how scared I was when I discovered few days ago when I googled kundalini poses in the internet. I felt so strong de ja vu, because when I was doing this yoga many years ago I was doing almost all that Is captured in the pictures in the internet about it without even reading and seeing any of it at that time. I just allowed to do kundalini all the work and in time I just knew what to do, I knew what to do inside myself when doing posses too. Everything of course ended the worse possible scenario, but I didn’t die physically. It was even worse. I lost myself. I lost myself so very, very much, and I caused so much chaos in my city and pain to my family, but even more for myself. If I only knew that following this road will lead me to the moment, where there will be no more hiding from darkness and fears that are hidden inside me. If I only knew that I will need to face it. If I knew I wouldn’t pursue this road unprepared, but I was very, very young and I just followed my heart, nothing more, thinking that this is enough. I even wrote the whole history of what happened to me and wanted to post this here as warning, but even writing this was so intense. I felt like wound is beginning to open when I was writing what happened, and for the entire day I was just laying in the bed surviving the pain that was of consequences because of choice to confront it. I don’t know if I wan’t to post it, I’m to afraid of being even more hurt, even though all people sounds here very positive.
I need to think this all through, but I really appreciate your help here.
Thank you. I wish the best for you too.
Thank you. But I don’t feel like this is true, maybe in the internet, because in real life I coulnd’t say even half I have written here without sounding like… like… I don’t know.
EDIT. Don’t answer to this message, because I probably won’t read it back. I thought I can confront what I have expierience during this nigthmare about what I have mentioned with my kundalini expierience and where it leaded me, but even thinking about it and putting it into words, its just too intense to handle. Memories and emotion from that moments are coming back when I think about it. It is too strong for me to bear it. I should do things and think about everything that I’m able to handle in my current state of counciuessness, not anything from that moments of my life. If u can, please, just pray so everything will back to state of things that I can bear, because when I started to think about this moments I’m losing my mind. Please, pray for me. I won’t be back here, because this place is reminded my of my expierience. Too much to handle.
Take as much care as needed, dear Larimar. This too, in time, will pass
it was a helpful topic and knowledge one.
Hello Larimar
Thank you so much.The video was very helpful. Yes I agree that spine health is the key to the health of your complete body.
The Information provided here was useful. Thanks for the detailed explanation.
make sure you do things gradually and don’t exert too much pressure.
Larimar -
I am new and here for back-related questions, too. So, I wanted to say hello back!
I am on the right path, I believe, and I think that you are, too. One thing that I learned was to go slow.
You will find the right solution, take care and best of luck to you.
SO have you continued on your Yoga journey?
Stretching plays an important part in any kind of pain. stretching will help you in relaxing your body. When it comes to managing back pain, exercises that focus on strengthening and stretching the muscles in the back, core, and legs can be beneficial. Here are some of the best exercises for back pain:
Bridge Exercise
Cat-Cow Stretch
Child’s Pose:
Pelvic Tilt
Bird-Dog Exercise
Hamstring Stretch
It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have existing back pain. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific condition and help you avoid exercises that may worsen your symptoms.