Yahoo AYP Forum Introduction

From: “aypforum”
Date: Sun Feb 27, 2005 2:11 pm
Subject: Introduction
Welcome to the Advanced Yoga Practices (AYP) forum. This is an open gathering where anyone can post messages. It is a place where you can share your thoughts and experiences on the AYP writings with others with similar interests. You will find practitioners at every level here that you can consult and network with.
It is hoped that this group will help facilitate the “horizontal” transmission of advanced yoga practices from person to person throughout the world. Anyone who has been around the yoga scene knows that it has become a melting pot of philosophies and practices coming from many sources and traditions. It seems no single approach holds all the keys to the vast divine kingdom that can be opened within us.
These days, there are so many options for spiritual practice. How do we choose? How do we tie it all together? The writings of AYP have aimed to collect and distill the most effective practices, from beginning to the most advanced, into a pragmatic, open system that can be flexibly applied by anyone in their daily life. With deep meditation, spinal breathing pranayama and other practices woven comfortably into our busy schedule, we find the rise of inner silence, creativity and an innate happiness gradually permeating us as we go about our daily business. This is a very practical ability we can cultivate every day within ourselves in this fast-paced world  a center that does not move with the ups and downs of life. Unwavering inner peace in the midst of the constant activity of the world!
What we find is that undertaking yoga practices does not necessarily require our retreating into the forest or to the top of the mountain to achieve spiritual progress. We can be advancing steadily in our transformation to enlightenment right here where we are. If you doubt this, check out the writings of AYP, which provide effective practices, a strategy for using them and extensive feedback from real practitioners. Explore the idea of cultivating enlightenment “right where you are” with others here in the AYP forum. It can be done!
AYP started when lessons began appearing in the “main group” on Yahoo in 2003. Since then, hundreds of lessons have been posted under the Yogani name. Soon after the first group started, a second Yahoo group was opened for discussing tantric sexual practices. Then a website was launched where all of the Yahoo lessons have been reproduced with some editorial improvements. The web site also includes additional resources: a topic index, site search, an expanded links section, a list of over 400 spiritual books, hundreds of testimonials, and so on.
In early 2005 the first AYP book came out, covering the main practices in detail, plus quite a lot of additional material beyond the online lessons. And it is continuing…
Here are links to the AYP resources just mentioned:
AYP Books (information and direct links to booksellers):
Yahooist Teil der Yahoo Markenfamilie
AYP Web Site:
Yahooist Teil der Yahoo Markenfamilie
Yahoo Group - AYP Main Lessons:
Yahooist Teil der Yahoo Markenfamilie
Yahoo Group - AYP Tantra Lessons:
Yahooist Teil der Yahoo Markenfamilie
AYP is not the last word on yoga. Actually it is more like some of the first words in this new era of yoga science. This is a time when the ancient methods of human spiritual transformation will be tested in the laboratories of millions of nervous systems around the planet.
The methods of yoga will be blended, tested and refined. It is the technology of enlightenment that is being optimized. This is the mission of AYP: To make a contribution to what will become an increasingly important branch of mainstream science in the coming decades. There is no doubt that the investigation will continue, and yoga practices will continue to be refined according to what means prove to be most effective. As the human nervous system evolves in the coming decades (and centuries), the practices will evolve to accommodate the changes. Just as we are able to achieve levels of spiritual experience with advanced yoga practices today that we could only dream of a few decades ago, so too will advances in human spiritual sensitivity be dramatic in the decades to come. Applications of yoga will evolve, just as we are evolving. But the principles will remain the same. It will be a matter of applying the most effective utilization of them.
This forum can play a role in the evolution of yoga science. We should always be asking, always testing, and always moving forward.
With the essential principles of human spiritual transformation well in hand, we find that the methods of yoga can be adapted in many ways to improve the effective and safe application of the principles.
Through a good knowledge of the methods of self-pacing, we are able to speed up or slow down according to the level of purification and opening occurring in our nervous system right now. This is flexible yoga based on sound principles. Let’s keep up our daily practices, pace ourselves according to our experiences, and move ahead surely and safely. And, let’s have fun while doing it!
The guru is in you.