What to do?

Hi forum, I’m a new member. I’ve had several experiences related to kundalini. It all started 7 years ago. I was doing no spiritual practices like meditation, and knew nothing about kundalini. It first started as feeling of sexual energy located in the base of my spine, with a felt sensation of energy going up. These energetic sensations were extreme for me, very shocking. I could never have imagined ever experiencing anything like that. After a few months things slowly went back to normal, and I felt like I’d lost it, lost the connection I felt. I crashed quite badly mentally, I thought it was gone.
A year or so later, I felt the same energetic sensations come back, although no way near as intense. Some days it can feel extremely pleasurable, but most days hardly noticeable. Mostly slight pressure and warmth in the base area of my spine,and the energetic sexual sensations with that.
I’ve done my best to study the subject and meet people who understand. My lifestyle has changed quite a lot. I’ve lost interest in most of the things I use to do, and with the people as well. So feel more isolated because of that.
I feel lost at the moment though. I guess I’ll never get over the experience I first had. It was so extreme and very pleasurable. In a way, I’m addicted to the physical sensations I feel often. Sometimes I can go for weeks without feeling anything. During those times I get very stressed, like I feel like I’m doing something wrong. Ideally, probably the best thing to do is try and forget about it and try and get some normality back to my life. Although I’m reminded regularly that it’s unlikely I’ll be able to do that. Just wondering what the future holds for me, and what I should actually do now?

Ricko, do you have a meditation practice? Can you outline your spiritual experience?

Dear Ricko,
I would suggest that you start reading the lessons here:
And give the meditation described in Lesson 13 a try
You are on an exciting journey - enjoy. There are loads of information on this site.
Sey :pray:

Hi Dogboy, my spiritual experience/experience with spirit started out as an awareness. I started to become aware of the connection between us human beings that is more than just physical. For whatever reason, I started to become hypersensitive and picking up the vibe of those closet to me, an awareness of other people’s thoughts and feelings towards me. Then, the energetic feelings I started to experience. I became aware of what felt like a presence with me. Like someone/something with me. Feelings of falling in love and feeling love from that presence. A feeling of being naked and transparent, yet also still feeling the love. Like unconditional love. But also, I had moments of anxiety, thinking it’s possible I could be losing my mind. But the physical sensations were so pleasurable, it got rid of the anxiety and fear. These feelings and physical sensations would come and go.
I don’t have a sit down meditation practice, I never have. Although I’ve always been a very contemplative person for many years. I believe I can understand how I’ve ended here in this position.

Hi Sey, thank you very much for the links. I’ll have a good read and hopefully come up with some more questions. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, so I’ve been practicing the AYP meditation for only four weeks and have had immediate results. Right after the very first meditation I felt much more balanced sexually. I often feel the energy flow in the perineum, I love that feeling very much. But often I feel my sex drive and desire come back. It’s been up and down like that for the last four years now. I felt much stimulation in the perineum right from the first meditation which was great. I felt much more in control. I was quite excited about that, so I experimented with some spinal breathing aswell. After that I felt much more heat in the perineum area. Normally it feels warm, but this time very hot. I didn’t like that, it felt to much to soon so stopped the pranayama exercises. I was excited thinking this was going to help a lot, but started experiencing much irritability and feeling a bit depressed during day. I’m thinking I’m one of those who is over sensitive to the mantra meditation. I understand self pacing, I know how important it is, and also been resting after meditation.
What I’ve noticed also, when sit down to meditate, very quickly i get buzzing in my head and ears. I sat down this morning to meditate and witin minutes the buzzing came, I stopped immediately. Any suggestions? Any ideas anyone

Hi Ricko,
If you experience anything uncomfortable or painful then self pace your practices downwards and increase grounding practices. Keep doing that (taking continuous small steps downwards and continuously increasing grounding practices) until you reach a comfortable level of practice. This can include self-pacing to zero for a while if necessary.
If you experience things that are not uncomfortable or painful then there is no need to adjust your practices.

Hi Christi, thank you very much for the advice. Yes, I’m aware of self-pacing. I’ll take small steps downwards like you say, and give it another try.