Satsang means “spiritual company.” When we gather for the purpose of our mutual spiritual growth, something extra gets created - a positive influence that can be felt working within and around us.
Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”
It is satsang, where, in this case, Jesus represents the divine spirit in all of us. It can just as easily be Krishna, Buddha, Allah, God the Father, pure bliss consciousness, or any other representation of the Truth within us. It is the same dynamic. When people gather for a spiritual purpose, for Truth, something extra is going on. We have all felt this at some time or other. If we are blessed, we feel it all the time, for it is certainly possible to be in a “spiritual gathering” even when sitting alone somewhere. That is what long-term daily practice of yoga can do for us. When we are established in the inner silence of the divine through deep meditation, we are never alone.
Here in the AYP forums, it was felt that a home base forum would be helpful. Someplace where there is no set topic. A place to just “hang out” and be with others of like mind and purpose. So here it is, the Satsang Cafe. Enjoy the expanding good vibes here. In your gathering, the divine is among you.
The guru is in you.