Hello everyone…
In october I will start a free weekly online class for AYPplus members via zoom every tuesday.
So the first class will be on the 4th of october 2022.
The intention is to provide the possibility to practice together and ask questions, to deepen our practice and help each other along the way.
The practices will include:
10min SBP
20min DM
10min Samyama
5min Rest
15min Q/A
You will need to have the free zoom application downloaded on your smartphone or computer to take part.
The access link will change every month and can be found here:
When I have to cancel a class it will also be announced there so you can check before.
We start at 18:00 german time.
The classes will be held in english language.
There is no need to let me know in advance if you are going to join or not.
See you then!
Michael to Michael: thank you!
Hello Michael,
I am looking forward to joining you. I am new to the membership but have been practicing yoga pranayama daily for several decades. Can you point out specific lessons here that might help me to best prepare for the session?
Thank you.
Hello RichP…
The core lessons of the practices are:
Deep meditation:
Spinal breathing pranayama:
The practices will not be guided - the phases will only be announced at their beginning. So it’s good to make yourself familiar with the methods on the frontend.
In terms of integrating practices, it is good to do it step by step. Giving every new practice enough time to integrate - at least 4 weeks - and also to cut back to a stable stage (and staying there for a while before ramping back up) if any energetic instability appears.
Mixing AYP with other forms of practice is generally not recommended as the interference and outcome is not predictable and can lead to overload - especially when doubling up on similar forms of practice.
So when you come to the stage of integrating spinal breathing pranayama, it would be good to replace your current form of pranayama practice with it.
Even though you may not start with a full routine of spinal breathing pranayama, deep meditation and samyama you are still very welcome to join the classes right away and simply sit in silence during the phases that are not yet part of your routine.
The benefit from the group practice will still be there and of course you can ask questions regarding the practices and other aspects of AYP or about yoga in general.
Looking forward to meeting you
Regards Michael
I reviewed the lessons on Spinal Breathing Pranayama, Deep Meditation, and Samyama. Looking forward to it. Thank you.
Thank you all for joining. It was a great start. Looking forward to seeing you again
Hi everyone…
I received some notifications (before and after the actual class) that people wanted to join the meeting but were not on time.
We start at 18:00 german time.
If you type “time now in Germany” into Google it will give the correct time.
Also the clocks go back in Germany on the 30th October.
In the next class(es) I will talk a little about the obstacles regarding the meditation process and how to overcome them.
Questions from your side will always have first priority, but if there is some time left I think I will go a little into that subject and see how it goes.
See you
Hello everyone…
I have to shift 2 dates of the upcoming classes.
The next 2 classes are each held 1 day earlier.
So instead of Tuesday the 1st of november there will be a class on monday the 31st of october (accessible via the october link).
And instead of Tuesday the 8th of november the class will be held on monday the 7th (accessible via the november link)
You can find the november link here:
PLEASE NOTE: Time goes 1 hour back in germany on the night 29/30 october - so make sure to check the timing.
Regards Michael
December link can be found here:
Link to the january classes here:
Happy new year
Link to the february classes can be found here:
See you
Hello everyone…
I thought these 2 quotes from the lessons may be helpful in terms of the last question in todays session:
<This “allowing” (not concentrating) of awareness to be drawn to and rest with strong sensations for a few minutes can help dissolve them, which is a function of the inner silence we have been cultivating in our deep meditation sessions, what we will later call “the witness,” and “witnessing.” It is the silent part of us that does nothing, but has great creative and healing power inherent within it. We also call it “pure bliss consciousness.”>
<Witnessing may be somewhat problematic before we have some inner silence present, because before then all attention tends to cling (identify with the objects of perception). But as inner silence comes to abide, the process of witnessing gradually takes over and imbalances and obstructions dissolve much more easily, simply by allowing our awareness to be with them. Along the way to experiencing greater abiding inner silence, we can intellectually understand the difference between focusing and witnessing (allowing) in dealing with imbalances, and continue meditating twice-daily.">
Regarding the difference between the methods of meditation and the “witnessing technique”… it’s found in the way our attention is used - favoring (the mantra) vs. allowing (to be drawn to the phenomena)
I may not have understood and therefore answered the actual point of the question (still not sure ) so i hope that makes it a little clearer
Link to the march classes can be found here:
Link to the April classes can be found here:
Link to the May classes can be found here:
Link to the June classes can be found here:
NOTE: This month I will be on an AYP retreat, so the class on the 13th of June is cancelled!
Looking forward to seeing you again!
Regards M
Link to July classes can be found here:
NOTE: This month I will be on vacation, so the class on tuesday the 18th of July is cancelled!
See you
Link to August classes can be found here:
See You
Link to September classes - here: