Friday, November 17th, 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM (EST)
This webinar is an open invitation to any earnest truth-seekers who wish to catapult their questions and perspectives at Sam and Cody through the ballistic medium of the Internet, via live streaming chat, and we will do our absolute best to respond to whatever pops up on the screen.
This event will fall completely within the baseline of AYP, and explore the realm of what Yogani calls relational self-inquiry. Since Sam and I are chock full of inner silence, and are able to fully connect our silence with the continuum of our body-mind, we are well-qualified to dive into the murky waters of philosophy and bring some refreshing clarity to this often misunderstood aspect of consciousness.
Here are some of the big questions we will tackle:
-What is philosophy anyway, especially within the context of yoga?
-Does philosophy even matter? Does it shape our behavior, movement, and physical actions?
-What is the meaning and purpose of life?
-What is the difference between objectivity and subjectivity?
-Is the “self” a multi-layered phenomenon that reveals the unity and oneness of life?
-Are some questions un-answerable, i.e. forever a mystery?
-What role does belief and faith play in philosophy, and how does that manifest in our actions?
-Is it beneficial to argue or engage in philosophical debate?
-How does philosophy affect our karma yoga and involvement with daily life?
Finally, we will conclude by talking about how philosophy can be of value to our students, peers, and colleagues. We will make the case that philosophy can be more than just a mental twiddling of the thumbs, and that there are profound implications that come along with yoga philosophy. We will seek to connect the dots between the abstract and the tangible, the unseen and the seen.
Put on your contemplative caps, and join us for a stimulating and illuminating experience!
Tune in at 6PM EST to join Sam and me in a lively discussion on yoga philosophy! Here’s the link:
Missed the livestream but heard the discussion later. The flowers analogy resonated well. Tell Sam it was Krishna and not Vishnu who is the central character in the Bhagavad gita.
Hi Bodhi and Sam,
Great webcast guys!
A good range of topics covered in a short space of time. I liked the distinction made between relational awareness and non-relational awareness vs. relational and non relational self-inquiry.
Hi Jusmail,
Vishnu is said to have had a number of different incarnations on earth, one of which was Krishna.
Thank you, Jusmail, for that correction. I told Sam. And thank you, Christi, for pointing out that Krishna is an incarnation of Vishnu, so I guess it kind of works out.
We want to start doing interactive streaming videos on a regular basis, and I’m very curious to hear from any fellow AYP practitioners as to what topics or themes you would want us to explore? Please feel free to share here in this thread, or message me.
Thank you again for tuning in, and I appreciate all the feedback!
Hi Bodhi,
Yes, with Krishna being an incarnation of Vishnu, it means that Krishna and Vishnu are the same person. However, I beleive that Vishnu is always referred to as Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, so referring to him as Vishnu could be confusing for people who are not familiar with these things.
Roger that.
Watched on YouTube and enjoyed it.
Glad you enjoyed it, Lalow.
Thanks Christi for that information.
Bodhi, you could do study of individual chapters even like lessons 324 through 329, 384, 403, 430, etc. Study of the 8 limbs can be undertaken as well as the 4 paths of yoga.
Great idea, Jusmail! Those are some prime lessons.
Webinar is a great idea! The 6 pm start is within the “witching hours” for the kid, but will definately catch one as soon as I am able. Go Dog Go!
Looking forward to vibing with you digitally, Dogboy!