Was this a K experience?

I want to share an energetic experience I had recently, because I think it could potentially be a direct experience of K. It was so undeniably not a figment of my imagination and had a profound feeling of “other” to it.
One night a few weeks ago I had a dream where I became lucid and aware that I was lying in bed. From a vast silence behind me I heard a faint pulsating woosh sound repeat and grow stronger as if approaching the back of my neck.
It was reminiscent of the scene from the movie Contact where Jodie Foster’s character is laying down and first hears the pulsating signal from the stars emerging from the silence. As the woosh got closer it started to grip the back of my neck. I thought to myself, “omg it’s really happening I can’t believe it.” I had some control over the alignment of the energy, so made sure it “landed” right in the middle at the base of the back of my skull. When the “signal” was at full blast, the grip (or more like a push of pressure from within?) was incredibly intense but not painful in any way.
Then it was like my point of view was no longer looking forward from the center of my head but looking “up” into my skull from within my neck. The pulsating woosh was trying to push up into my head through my ears, but couldn’t make it through, though it was having a bit more luck on the right side and I was concerned what might happen if it broke through. It did not, and then somehow it ended. I truly expected to wake up with a sore neck, but I woke up feeling fine.
Overall, I was encouraged by the experience, because it felt like proof that this actually all exists, and I’m still struck by the intensity and almost cosmic/alien nature of the experience. It also (along with some other things) made me realize that I probably need to make some changes in my life. I’m seeing that my self-proclaimed “boring” experience of life could suddenly be flipped on its head, and I’d rather not suddenly find myself stepping off a proverbial cliff into deep water.
Anyways, does this experience sound like K-movement? Could it have been just prana and not K-prana? Curious! :pray:

This yogi often feels sensation at the base of my skull; in my case I had cervical spine issues (now cured) and believe in that connection. Often in samadhi my ears buffer, much like a microphone in a wind storm, so these symptoms most likely are an indication of the opening of your shushumna, and possibly the crown. As usual, enjoy it, observe and acknowledge it and let it go, knowing (as Yogani describes it) it is awesome scenery passing you by as you move down your path. Yogani also says “Good things are happening!” [OM]

Hi Dreamwaver,
I just listened to the “Contact” sound on youtube and it very much reminds me of the sound my tensor tympani muscles (attached to the eardrum) produce automatically sometimes during energy practices, especially chin pump and bastrika.
The only difference is that the higher pitched components in the movie’s sound are absent in “my” sound. But the lower pitch components of the signal are surprisingly similar to what I hear, including the fluttering that modulates the whoosh at lowest frequencies.
I just put a snippet from the movie’s sound into audacity and played with it till it matched what I hear. I would be curious to know if that’s similar to the sound that you heard. Check it out with a good pair of headphones to catch the lower frequencies:
I think the whooshing is triggered by tensing some muscles in my neck and scalp. It often feels like as if neck and scalp muscles tense in a wavelike motion upwards synchronized with the whoosh. So at the beginning of each whoosh it starts in the neck and at the end of each whoosh the contraction ends at the some scalp muscles at the top my head. So it’s possible that this might explain both the sound and the sensations in your neck.