UK AYP retreat December 2013

Hi guys,
Several people now have asked me if I would be willing to run another AYP weekend retreat at Holycombe at the end of the year.
So it is now scheduled for 13th to 15th December.
If you are interested in coming or know anyone who would like to come let me know in this topic or E-Mail Me

Bravo, people really love your retreats, Christi!

Hi all,
The U.K. December retreat starts tomorrow. Here are the meditation sitting times for anyone wishing to join in the meditation sessions at home:
Friday 5.30-6.30pm
Saturday 7.00-8.00am , 10.30am-12.00 noon and 5.30-6.00pm
Sunday 7.00-8.00 am and 11.00- 12.00 noon.
Timings are GMT

Thanks for posting the meditation times.
Will try to join in for one. :slight_smile:

Not sure if anyone wants to join in… but this session starts in 30 min :slight_smile:

Great idea on posting the times. I too will see if I can match one of them.
Wishing you a great retreat Christi and all those taking part.

Thank you Christi, and everyone who attended. It was a lovely first retreat, and I feel much better for having spent a few days with you all. :heart: :blush:

Hi Jack,
Glad you could make it, it was great having you there! :slight_smile:
And it was great having such an enthusiastic group of dedicated practitioners. Almost everyone was present for every class and it was an intensive programme. When people are serious about the yoga I often end up teaching more, and that certainly happened this weekend!
And thanks Shanti for joining us in spirit! :slight_smile:

There are definite changes since the retreat.
I saw my parents earlier today. With the presence of Witnessing, there was some kind of time-trip healing in which the beauty of now met with stored memories of my parents, whilst looking at them. Very much, it is like walking in the shadow of death in the sense that there is a viewpoint opened through which to really appreciate life.
I went out this evening at my colleagues were having a christmas celebration. I felt not-so-great about taking any alcohol or meat. I had both but there was no desire for it. I had more to drink due to peer pressure, but still I felt little desire to fall into the shenanigans. I just wanted to be Home. I think committing to this lifestyle may involve a few sacrifices.
I remember everyone drunkenly singing along to a song going “I can’t get no satisfaction”. I remember thinking “I can” and being quite impassive to the whole thing.!!
It makes me especially value the company of people who value silence - there seem to be few - so thank you again. Time for some sobriety and twice-daily sitting.
Additionally, my personal relationship seems to have resolved, somewhat. There is less pressure to perform mental gymnastics to reach a decision or conclusion. Just an open heart.
OK, rant enough. More water, sleep, and sobriety :slight_smile:

Hi Jack,
Yes, everything changes with the rise of the witness. :slight_smile:
Good to hear things are going well.

Thanks again for a great retreat Christi. It was inspirational to hear your experiences and stories. I feel very blessed and graced that the UK retreats happen so regularly and distancewise conveniently for me that I can attend. The presence of all the great yogis and yoginis helps of course. Deedee’s food full of nature’s goodness and insight into that wisdom from the far far away past that organic food subtely carries was a bonus as always. :pray: