Thoughts about getting reiki done

Reiki/initiation or getting the chakras opened. What do you ppl think about this? Does this help with the AYP meditation? If so can someone give me how and where to get this done (in USA)?
Thanks, Near

Near, I don’t think you need reiki initiation to open your chakras… AYP does it beautifully… gently and in a more pleasurable way :slight_smile: and you have control on how fast and how far you want to go… you can self pace.
If however you do want to learn it for healing… not sure how far you are ready to travel… just go to the reiki forum and see if you can find a reiki master in your area who would initiate you. I think the even do long distance initiation… not sure. Just remember… with the second degree there is too much cleaning with absolutely no control on your part… also they work directly with your crown chakra…

Thanks shanti

Dear Near,
Meditation will work on all your chakras equally and more completely than Reiki ever could.With Reiki the lower chakras are not opened much on initiation and you will find meditation will improve them further.I no longer work with Reiki but I give attunements specific to each persons capability to receive and this eliminates the cleansing effects one normally gets.The problem with Reiki is everyone gets the same amount of energy and not all are capable of receiving the same amount safely.If you are interested in remote chakra work or attunements then please mail me privately for further details.My work is free.
‘the mind can see further than the eyes’

Hi Near
My view on reiki is that it is a sytem like any other healing system - it totally depends on the particular person you get.
If they are a good healer they will be good at any form of healing or system they use.
I have known many reiki masters who I would not let near me. Others I consider it a priviledge.
For what its worth my experience of the iam mantra has felt like it is initiating my energy system, particularly when I include siddhasana. It has felt like my whole system was being rearranged and sorted in the same way as using a reiki symbol in the energy might.
Except I think the iam mantra meditation is probably more powerful and of course it is self initiated and regular and over the course of time will no doubt bring you much further.
But that’s just my view, there are others who absolutely swear by reiki.

Thanks louis and dave for the helpful suggestions.
dave i will e-mail you.

Dear Louis,
Yes in my experience reiki is a mere glimpse of the full power of God.As you say it is simply a system but nobody can actually heal you. You are simply a tool to aid anothers self healing.In my experience meditation will take you further than any other modality but it is not a quick fix which is why many fail on this path. Unfortunately they don’t realise that the other paths will take much longer.
‘the mind can see further than the eyes’

Not sure if you are still interested… but you can get free reiki attunements at this site

Ignore the claims about Kundalini Reiki awakening shakti and all the marvelous other things as it’s a load of rubbish.If it was so easy to awaken shakti safely, Yogani would be out of a job.Simple as.

This is what the site says…
“Premature” raising of the Kundalini can be a painful and disturbing thing. When neither the physical nor the spiritual body is prepared for this, and the released Kundalini energy can’t flow freely, there can be complications resulting in physical, mental and emotional pain.
But Kundalini Reiki attunements do not do such a thing. They allow you to tap into that powerful energy system and use it to heal yourself and others.
If anything, they will alleviate symptoms caused by premature Kundalini Awakenings, because they clear and unblock the energy pathways, allowing this energy to flow more freely."

So no… it does not claim to awaken Kundalini…

Dear Shanti,
I beg to differ.
“Kundalini Reiki 2 : The Reiki channels are strengthened. The Kundalini awakening, where the main energy channel opens gently and surely, alighting the Kundalini “fire”, reaches the minimum Solar Plexus chakra, preparing for the full Kundalini rising in Kundalini Reiki 3. You are also taught a specific meditation. When you perform this meditation, you increase for a short time, the power of the flame in the Kundalini fire/energy. In this way, all the chakras/energy systems are enlightened and a cleansing takes place.
Course notes: 1 A4 page.
Kundalini Reiki 3 (Kundalini Reiki Master): The previous attunements are strengthened and the Throat, Solar Plexus, Hara and Root Chakras are opened. The Kundalini “fire” is strengthened and reaches up and out of the Crown chakra - full rising of the Kundalini takes place. You are taught to attune Crystals and other objects, so that they act as Reiki channels.”
I have a lot of experience with Reiki and even ran my own yahoo group where we gave free attunements to all types of reiki energies including K Reiki.In fact the Kundalini reiki system was a bastardization of the Tummo Reiki system and in fact Ole Gabrielsen was level 2 Tummo Reiki, plaguarised the web site of Tummo reiki and they even threatened legal action. I have spoken several times with Ole by email so I know this to be true.Tummo reiki also claims to awaken Kundalini and the wording above is almost identical to the Tummo Reiki site.Ole has made a lot of money from K Reiki and if this is what he wishes for then good luck to him but irrespective of your beliefs he has made the claims I spoke of although has never claimed to have awakened shakti himself.

Thanks Dave :slight_smile:
I did not see the course notes… and I guess… if you have delt with Kundalini reiki before… you know what happens… I just thought it was interesting…

Thanks for the link shanti and dave. For now, I have decided not to go the reiki way and let the deep meditation open me up.

Dear Shanti,
You are welcome.I replied because I didn’t want to people to be taken in false claims.Reiki, as other healing systems are a great gift to the world but just as ‘some’ gurus have abused followers, then many have been ripped off in the name of Reiki.
Near, I can tell you from experience that meditation will give greater purification(and therefore greater channeling abilities for healing)than reiki could ever do.Although not a quick fix, I don’t believe(and have yet to be proved incorrect)that any other method takes you to the same level of self healing or purification.

Hi everyone,
I am curious about Reiki.
Back in 1999 I got Reiki attunements I and II,
however I only practised very shorly.
A few days ago I am somehow drawn back to this healing system.
What I am wondering is the role of the Reiki symbols.
They tend to be kept secret and mystified,
and I am wondering about the realistic strength
and meaning of those symbols.
Could you please give your comments and opinions
on the role of the Reiki symbols.
Love and Light

Hi Wolfgang,
The symbols are a way of guiding your intent.There is evidence that symbols were not used in the original system but intent was solely used.Usui introduced symbols because some students could not grasp the intent concept.Others say that they were introduced later after his death.If you look at Donna Eden’s book ’ Energy medecine’ it appears to me that its not simply the symbol but also the movement that manipulates the energy.In my experience symbols are not necessary , only intent and a request from God.

Thank you, Dave, very helpful your comment.
It seems then that faith and intent are the main ingredients.
May be some reiki-practitioners believe in the power of
the symbols, and this produces the necessary faith for the
healing to work. May be the human mind needs to believe
in some magic in order for the unexplainable to work.
I wonder however that sometimes faith and good intent
(especially blind faith) don’t produce good results …
Love and Light

Hi Everyone
This is my first post to this forum. I have a question about Reiki Tummo.
I’ve done Usui Reiki levels 1 and 2, and I intend to go on to Masters and practise as a therapist. I discovered the existence of Reiki Tummo recently, and Kundalini Reiki, which I guessed was someone else’s version of the same thing (as is noted in this thread). I do spiritual practice fairly regularly and I have had just one kundalini experience in the recent past (which was gentle, very pleasurable and quite beautiful), so something’s moving.
I want to be the best therapist I can be, for my clients’ sake, and also I must be careful to safeguard my own health and well-being. On the Reiki Tummo website it says Reiki Tummo attunement cleanses the energy pathways and thereby makes kundalini awakening safe and quick. The combination of kundalini and Reiki energy makes for enhanced healing sessions for the clients. Is this actually true?
If anyone can comment on the usefulness of both the Reiki Tummo attunements and the study and spiritual practices that go with them, I’d be very grateful.
(Jessica’s my dog, by the way)

Yes Reiki initiation can help invite more supportive energy and clear impurities out of the chakras. It’s a good start for the journey.
I have been using Kundalini Reiki for about five years, I learned it from Love Inspiration and before I started teaching it, I went through Ole Gabrielsen’s course as I wanted to honour the creator. I notice he brings a beautiful simplicity to it.
The word kundalini is so often loaded with The Kundalini Awakening, an energy that starts to stir up from the root into the body and at times will cause shakes, pain, openings, stirrings and really force one to become conscious as continued avoidance of the body or symptoms tend to make it harder to stay embodied. People with stuck blocks who can’t bring consciousness in often suffer pretty deeply for years.
When I’m working on someone, they will feel experiences of the kundalini moving but it will settle quite quickly. Reiki is not constantly on for most people so it won’t have the continued Kundalini Awakening impact. Where Usui is often the Divine or Universal Energy coming down, like a beam - I consider it feminine and supportive. Kundalini Reiki is brought in as an attunement through the Divine or collective but then is strength from the Earth, it’s Masculine and leading rather than supportive.
The Kundalini Reiki attunements stir the Kundalini energy up but it’s really a tool to pick up and put down, it’s not constantly active.
Kundalini Reiki directs and moves Kundalini energy. That’s all - no claims of the same. I’ve had people moving quite profoundly on the table but Kundalini and Kundalini Awakening are different occurrences using the same name and similar energy from what I’ve experienced working with those having their Kundalini active.
There are many paths. So many people put their blueprint on others to change them according to what worked for them. That’s why Gurus are only as helpful for the people that are closest to their path but then it’s up to the person to align with their own path - not the Guru. Meditation, mentors, introspection, movement, breathwork, therapy, Reiki - pick which one feels most aligned with you and go.
If you’re interested, Google Love Inspiration for free reiki courses. I found they were pretty profound and are as close a pure source of good intention as I’ve found.