The 3 stages of consciousness

Sometime in my childhood I formed a habit of having internal monologues regarding life or experiences, and the relationships between the many. In them I just spit whatever I gathered in my own color. After picking up spiritual practices I became more aware of them, seeing flaws caused by ignorance, many other times enhancing them with my stillness, inquiring about its contents. After opening more and more to life around me I became aware of the internal workings of my existence, and about the topic spoken here, of different states of functioning. And here are the words that float through me.
I’ll try and state 3 different aspects that I have found make a difference. (Of course, it all is relative, don’t take them at face value since I picked them up listening to mySelf)
First, let’s call it the processor since I’m not able to come up with something better.
Second is the memory.
And third but not last is the ‘body’.

  1. The ego based state. The small self.
    This is the normal state people are living their lifes, in it they go around with eyes half closed, what the don’t see, they imagine. Our awareness at this point is filled mostly with information being received by our 5 sense perceptions, and our intellect imagining life based on what they have perceived up to that point. Skipping past the workings of the ego self, the 3 aspects here are :
    The processor: it is our intellect, our intellect analyzing whatever we perceive based on…
    …Memory: all knowledge it has gathered from it’s surroundings, the opinions it has formed about them and speculations about the unknown things. All of it happening in a rather unripe atmosphere:
    The ‘Body’: meaning here just the physical body functioning at a limited rate.
    All of this creates people having to constantly monitor their phisycal, mental and emotional health, being vulnerable to worry, stress, fear and all of it’s complications. All in all, a very reactive and vulnerable human being. Run by our’s and the world’s karmic structure.
    It is human consciousness, mostly animal in nature.
    2 . The awakened state. The big Self.
    This is the state of consciousness that’s been rising in the last years throughout the world. People come to open their eyes after certain circumstances, be it crises, hardships, naturally or through cultivating inner silence and taking care of the dimensions our existence takes place, our body, mind, emotions and energies. It is like looking at life with the courtains open, since our awareness is not only filled with the external world, but also the internal one. If at first we only knew of basic physics, we are now in the world of quantum, of the subtle.
    The Processor here changes drastically, since at this point we are more harmonized inside our bubble of life, our intellect merges beautifully with our emotions and feelings, we become more open and so we have acces to our intuition. We are now run by the intelligence of life, the same intelligece that holds the universe in place, that makes our heart beat, that manages and sustains the wheel of life, unstained intelligence.
    The Memory, we are now open and amazed of the grandness of life, we now know that we really don’t know, we would rather listen than guess. So we listen, listen to inner silence, and that’s were the intelligece of being operates, and through intuition we receive a certain kind of knowledge. We are now more open to the subconscious mind. ( known to be shared amongst us all, I’ve also heard of it being named the akashic field if I remember correctly) Many people are now acting spontaneously, are letting their tongues run free, are not anymore weighting their words, and therefore more alive and less robotic. They now learn through inner silence and not through others opinions. Intelligence is born, and all of it happening in a blossoming garden…
    The body, now a higher intelligence takes care of it, the nervous system begins to shine, or rather, it is the awakening of kundalini. Now the body is not anymore just a vessel, it becomes the bridge.
    And so we shed off our mortality, we are now the owners of our destiny, we are not trashed around by our dreaming, not crying in nightmares, neither rejoicing in our sweetest dreams, we now wake up and shine. We are not freedom, but the ones who create it, if we already know the way, why should we wabble, if we like freedom, why should we live as slaves(of karma). Choosing, we always choose, more than for us, for our brothers, and if we chose to be an eagle, it was for the love for worms. We like to walk, but we don’t follow the road since what’s safe loses it’s mistery, we like to go out in the cosmos when it’s summer, and come back home in the cold of winter.
    It is christ consiousness, the buddha nature. Divine.
  2. Enlightenment. The absolute Self. There is no other.
    If at first we are asleep, then we wake up, now only silence can tell. We are in samadhi, the highest state of consciousness. We now come from anywhere, from the earth that in silence with the water and the fire that create life. We now come from the fruit, from action itself to speak of what we’ve learned from the nuts, the flowers and the deers, and from that which we never remember. Now there’s nothing in between the witness and the witnessed, now the experiencer merges with the experienced, now it’s only the experiencing left, experiencing all and nothing. We don’t move anymore, it’s the world who keeps on spinning, we are movement itslef, we now have seen all the wonders that can be seen, in other words, all that we see, the impossible too, we’ve seen the goddeses which keep on blowing so that the world spins, and we’ve seen that to go to the sky, there is an infinite of doors. Sometimes inside of us walked what is outside, we were the universe, and we didn’t know what we were. Now there is joy, gratitude towards joy itself, and in that we vanish and are born anew. We are now This universe and That which holds it, we are all and The One. We are love.
    We are intelligece itself
    We are knowledge itself, flowing in all
    We are light itself, condensed as body, as mind, dancing as energy
    It is cosmic consiousness, nature itself.