Thank you, Ishta

Today is my son’s b-day. He had a terrible day at school. He came home aggressive and got in a fight with his dad( my husband)(verbal). Everyone settled down. He blew out his candle. I know what his wish was. It was for our family. It happened in less than 5 minutes. :heart: :heart: :heart:

:heart: Family! Always a trip.

Love, Unity, Akasha – lightness of air

Yes, I believe that Ram Das said, “If you think you are enlightened, go visit your parents.” But he didn’t have parents, a husband, and 2 teenagers! Get it from every angle!!!

I know Samyama , but I don’t really get your post.
Haha! My autocorrect said Santa.

Blowing out the candle illustrates the situation: poof, the anger is gone and love lingers in the air like fluted smoke. :heart: :grin: . And then there is cake!

Yes! But thank God for our kids! Thank God for our kids. Just, what can you even say?

Glad things worked out for you.
Hugs :slight_smile:

Bless your family Lalow! My son’s bday is day after yours on the 5th. This too shall pass and remember children are resilient. Blessings and love, C