Today is my son’s b-day. He had a terrible day at school. He came home aggressive and got in a fight with his dad( my husband)(verbal). Everyone settled down. He blew out his candle. I know what his wish was. It was for our family. It happened in less than 5 minutes.
Family! Always a trip.
Love, Unity, Akasha – lightness of air
Yes, I believe that Ram Das said, “If you think you are enlightened, go visit your parents.” But he didn’t have parents, a husband, and 2 teenagers! Get it from every angle!!!
I know Samyama , but I don’t really get your post.
Haha! My autocorrect said Santa.
Blowing out the candle illustrates the situation: poof, the anger is gone and love lingers in the air like fluted smoke.
. And then there is cake!
Yes! But thank God for our kids! Thank God for our kids. Just, what can you even say?
Glad things worked out for you.
Bless your family Lalow! My son’s bday is day after yours on the 5th. This too shall pass and remember children are resilient. Blessings and love, C