Switching to IAM questions

Basically if I’ve had a lot of purification from other practices including mantra practice over the years (52) can I go directly to the 1st enhancement?
I’ve been using it for a few days so far only positive results with proviso if I do come across probs to cut back or go to base?

Hi Snake,
You can start out with the first mantra enhancement if you wish to, as AYP is an open system. However it is not advised for anyone to do that, not even people with a lot of previous meditation experience. It is much better to settle in with the AYAM mantra first and become stable with that over a period of months, at least, before taking on any mantra enhancements. One advantage of doing this is that you will get a feel for how the AYAM mantra works in the body. You will also have a stable base to come back to at any point if you need to.
When you are ready to take on a mantra enhancement, you may want to check out lesson 369 which discusses the alternate mantra enhancements. These are designed to produce more stability when it comes to using mantra enhancements.
Lesson 369 - Alternate Approach to Mantra Enhancements

thanks Christi, I will do as you advise and see how it goes :pray:
