Suddenly "tired".

Hello. I have been meditating for some years. Lately i have noticed that i get a kind of strong call, its kind of like im getting extreme tired and need to close eyes, and then im lost somewhere…its not like sleep…It can last for 30 minutes or 5 minutes. Its ok when im Home, but not at work…:stuck_out_tongue: When i close eyes i get totally lost in space. Ofte can feel very groggy afterwards… any thoughts?

Hello Donkey :slight_smile: :pray:
Welcome to the AYP forum!
What you are describing is a result of your meditation practice. The system begins to know how and where to clean itself. Some blockages are released during these “lost somewhere” states.
It’s OK to let them happen. it’s also OK to control when and where you allow them to happen. With your continued meditation practice, opportunities for purification will not be lacking. So if you are at work and it’s not a good time to give in to the sudden states of tiredness, then don’t. Maybe taking a few steps around the office (if you work in an office) will help ground you and make it easier to bring your attention back to what you need to be doing at the time.
Also bear in mind that many of these episodes in a short space of time may count as practice. So keep an eye on self pacing.
Good things are happening. Enjoy :pray:

Thanks for good insight

Yeah, don’t get caught sleeping by the boss! :grin: Standing and moving is key. Also, are you getting enough sleep nightly? Going to bed a half hour earlier might help you later that day. Fresh air and lunching outside if possible can set up your afternoon well.
There are times in my day when I close my eyes and sample my mantra, a quick mini session. It has the same effect as a breath mint. :sunglasses:

Dear Donkey (and you wonder why you are tired :grin: )
Knowing which practices, and how long, your practice routine consist of would be helpful. You may be doing too much DM.
Sey :pray:

Hello. Yes im doing one hour of meditation each evening. I follow a Kriya yoga routine. I also wonder if im overdoin and that may be the reason for tiredness…the last week i have sat for ONLY 10 minutes at evening, and i think im less tired this week. I normally sleep for about 7 hours, i should also mention that i work full days and have 2 kids.

You may wish to experiment with less meditation, for you may have become ripe enough to get more out of less.

How do I know if im ripe enough?

I can only speak for my own journey; ecstatic conductivity had me pare down my AYP practice from forty five minutes twice a day to thirty five once a day. I no longer needed as much pranayama to “rev the engine”, reduced AYP Spinal Breathing to five minutes, and basically eliminated kumbaka, yoni Mudra, and Bastrika. These are all “energy encouragers”. Deep Meditation went from pedestrian to serendipitous. I was also incorporating asana throughout moments in my everyday, so with this additional yoga practice I felt it prudent to cut back. Even though my basic AYP was halved, there is the sense I am getting much more out of it.
Finding the right formula is trial and error. Last week you said you did only ten minutes and were less tired, that indicates your hour long session may be too much. I wonder if you split that hour into a half hour morning and night if that would solve the problem, or perhaps, reduce your one session to forty five minutes, and plan on resting at the end a minimum of five minutes regardless.

The hardest part for me is not to be at work, but to be with my family and kids, I must really work with myself to not be short tempered and to be indifferent, I guess its because I’ve become so very sensitive, that i almost not can accept myself as a human being with feelings and emotions…

Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement

Do you start your day with meditation?