Spontaneous Lotus Position

A quick recap before my question:
I’ve been experiencing spontaneous/involuntary yoga for the past two and a half years for multiple hours a day (I even get woken up at night from sleep to surrender to K energy). Symptoms over the past years have been spontaneous yoga poses, pranayama, and vocalisations (as well as some NSFW stuff that I won’t get into here). I don’t do drugs, or drink and I eat a healthy plant based diet.
Most recently during the spontaneous yoga sessions, I’m getting placed into Lotus pose more than I have ever been. What does this mean? Is something about to transform or change? Is K getting ready to expand?
The only thing I know is absolute surrender and allowance.
Any insight would be great.
Thanks for reading.

Can you talk about your yoga practices and their duration? Do you have a meditation practice?

I don’t really have a practice as the yoga happens by itself out of my control. All the positions are random and I can’t tell you for the life of me their names or whatever. All I know is this energy is super intense and requires all of my time to dedicate to it. Some days aren’t as intense while others, it feels like I’m dying lol.
I can feel K energy bubbling up more and more and it’s feeling like it is starting to flow through me with greater ease. I’m assuming all this involuntary yoga is to allow for K energy to flow easier.
It’s just recently I’ve noticed I get placed into Lotus pose involuntarily during my “sessions” more than ever (2 and a 1/2 years of this and ongoing). My heart is heavy too and I break out into intense emotion and start crying uncontrollably a lot more recently too.
When I enter Lotus pose, I can feel the energy sway me around. If you have ever witnessed Kundalini Yoga, it’s exactly this only it’s happening to me uncontrollably.

Hi spontaneous K,
What you are experiencing we call “automatic yoga” in the lessons, and it is covered in many lessons. A search on the main website will bring them up. Perhaps this one is relevant to your situation: https://www.aypsite.org/202.html
The thing about automatic yoga, regardless of its cause, practices in this life or another one, is that it wants it all right now. This may or may not be a fit with the nervous system we are currently living in, so some “self-pacing” may be in order at times. Surrender is a wonderful thing, but some balance between letting it all happen and self-pacing and grounding can lead to more progress, rather than repeatedly flying off the rails and having to take time to recover. Self-pacing is a core teaching in AYP, and can be applied to any spiritual path where overdoing and overload can reduce quality of life and spiritual progress.
Also, it should be mentioned that kundalini (ecstatic) awakening is only half of the enlightenment equation, the second half from the AYP point of view. The first half, what we do first in the AYP approach is the cultivation of abiding inner silence (witness) in daily deep meditation, which provides a safe and steady foundation for kundalini awakening, and everything else we may be doing in life, including family, career, etc. This is why Dogboy asked if you have a meditation practice. Your conscious surrender may be a form of meditation, bringing you some abiding inner silence. It is hard to say from here. But do keep in mind that without abiding inner silence, kundalini can lead to some difficult situations relating to physical and mental health. So do be mindful that your eventual enlightenment may not be only about surrendering to automatic yoga. Some consideration on the whole of yoga is suggested, and some practical discrimination on how it might be best for you to proceed.
Your call, of course. Everyone chooses their own path. All the best!
The guru is in you.