Hey everyone,
I’m fairly new to this particular practice and was hoping you could help me clarify where exactly my focus of visualization should be. I’ve been sort of visualizing my spine in front of my inner vision and tracing the path with my attention from that “outside” point of view and I just realized this may not be usual/correct. Is it important to be tracing the path with your attention actually inside the spine?
Welcome Ionia
Yogani’s advice from lesson 229:
As long as you end the inhale at the third eye and the exhale at the root, you should be fine. Visualizing the spine can be done with soft attention/intention. Hope this helps.
Dog boy,
Thank you very much. That was just what I needed#128522;
Hi Anyone in the Know
What if you run out of inbreath before you get to the Brow? Should your attention/visualisation still follow on to the brow?
Hello Sparkling
Yes, this can easily happen at the beginning.
As long as your attention is
at the root at the end of the outbreath
and at the brow at the end of the inbreath
you are doing SBP correctly.
The tracing in between will sort itself out in time, be relaxed about it.
And welcome back to AYP!
Thank you so much Bluecoat ! And for the welcome back!
My inbreath, at times, is all gone before I reach the third eye, so not sure what to do when i have run out of oxygen? Obviously I need stronger, or bigger lungs
You skip the lengh of spine you haven’t covered and go straight to the third eye.
Thank you bluecoat !
Hi Dogboy
Thank you for sharing that !
I had the feeling during SBP to allow the tracing to go through the crown, but did not. I see now its not a good idea as you say it can cause instability!
Some disciplines say the breathing should be “light”, but I find that comes with time and with focus on the tracing rather than on the breath.
I also find, as a singer, that the breath control skill of a musician can be useful. You can control the rate of breath flow, not just the initiation and termination of an inhalation or an exhalation. That is another skill which will be gained in practice of pranayama, to take a full breath and to reach the point when you are full at the same time as your attention point reaches the correct chakra.
Also Sparkling, I have also read in other disciplines that the tracing should go through the crown, but I don’t know the relative benefits of the variations in this detail of practice.