SPB messing up with Deep Meditation

I’ve been practicing SPB for 20 days, 10 minutes twice each day completing almost 8 hours of pranayama total. As a result, I’ve been feeling a “juicy pleasure” all around my body, I feel much lighter and overall more pleasant.
However, the energy that I’m now feeling is kind of all over the place. When I sit to meditate, I feel that this energy gives rise to a lot of sexual thoughts and it clouds my mind. It doesn’t allow me to go to the place of stillness I used to know very well.
Also, I’ve been on Celibacy for the past 40 days and I often spot very attractive girls on the beach, because I’m on summer holidays.
My question is, what is happening? And also, does SPB evolve to refine this energy and make it less “cloudy”?
I think long-time practitioners will understand the expression “cloudy mind.” It’s like there’s this energy which is permeating but it’s not still. It gives rise to a bunch of thoughts. I don’t know the real cause of this, maybe it’s just purification taking place. But I would like some extra opinions.


It sounds like purification to me, and should be a temporary phase. Over time, sensations and states come and go as you do your practice. My advice is to observe and keep on going, unless you are in discomfort. In that case dial it back a little until you feel stable.

Hi afonsolfm
You are right, SBP is an energy practice, so it’s not surprising you are getting these thoughts and sensations. They are powered by the extra energy. DM has a crucial role in cleaning them up.

You need to let go of expectations that during DM you will go to a pace of stillness or anywhere else. Whatever needs to happen during the sessions will happen, as long as you follow the meditation procedure described in the lessons.
If you get uncomfortable, consider reducing the length of the SBP session - maybe do 5 minutes for a while, then step up to 10. If the situation is manageable, carry on as you are. Things will settle down.
Enjoy :pray:

This thread was helpful to me. I’m in my 3rd week of spinal breathing (while I practice DM twice daily, I’ve been doing 5-10 min of spinal breathing each day before just my morning meditation). Even though I feel a warm wonderful dizzy sensation during spinal breathing, I’ve found my meditations feel more surface with it and not as deep than they do with DM by itself, but I know I shouldn’t judge the quality of what’s happening in the actual practice. The reason for only once a day so far for pranyama is I feel lower back discomfort and shortness of breath during it. Not sure if all of this is purification going on or trying to breathe too deeply? In any case, I am encouraged by this response that even though the quality of the meditation is changing with the spinal breathing, ‘good things are happening.’

Welcome SamsBoy

Indeed, as long as you are not in discomfort, observe and release. Good job self pacing; by doing SBP every other session will help you (in the short term) to ease into it and gauge its effects on your life beyond your meditation session, and successfully builds a stable practice over time. Advice my wife gives when I’m doing laundry and unsure which of her clothes should go in the dryer: when in doubt leave it out. This goes too for yoga practices that leave you unsettled.

Thank you Dogboy for these wise thoughts!