Shatkarma for lower belly

Hello everyone,
I’ve started the AYP practices approx. 3 years ago. I’ve seen my health went better in general. I also do sports on a regular basis. Not extreme: just swimming and cycling 2x a week in total.
I don’t have an overall high fat amount but a lot stored in my lower belly. Since my balance exercices/calories intake are ok, I wonder how it is still there.
May it be some kind of energetical blocking somewhere ?
Do you think that Shatkarma may work for me ? Especially nauli ? i’m not a great fan of this technique, but if someone could advice it, I will go for it :slight_smile:
Love, Niels

Hello Neils
I, too, have Dad Bod, a protrusion of belly, which showed up fifteen years ago on an otherwise trim frame. I do asanas and walk 10k steps daily, eat well, and maintain a constant weight. As a yogi I’ve arrived at loving my body fully and to place gentle attention on whatever calls out during the hour walk.
I, too, am adverse to nauli, especially after a you tube search convinced me my stomach is not equip for that mind bending task. I do practice “pseudo nauli” which is to empty myself of air in a squat, and press my fingers and palms toward the third chakra. Its simple, accomplishing the same task and intention.
I don’t buy into an energetic belly blockage, unless you are in discomfort there.
I’m at a stage in my practice where I’m hyper-focused on my body: how am I feeling while moving through time and space?, how is my posture?, how am I with my balance?, have I given my non-dominant hand it’s due? Am I open? What is best for me in this moment?
I examine myself daily in a 3-way mirror, gaining insight from outside my being. I feel so much confidence and gratitude for this gifted body, experiencing two neurobiological transformations, one via surgery (2010) and the other via AYP practices (2017). I am blessed by deep deep silence and ecstatic awakenings, 24/7 access, by intention and attention.
Filling my lungs I create most amazing Buddha belly! :grin: . Between this and pseudo-nauli, I appreciate the extremes! A little bulge in the middle holds no weight with me. :sunglasses:

Hello Dogboy, thank you for answering me. I have in mind the following picture of a yogi which stares with bright, incandescent eyes into one’s eyes, a thin body with absolutely no more fat, etc… but maybe i’m a bit too idealistic in this conception.
You are right with the questions you ask to yourself with the posture and so on, think you for showing me these. I don’t feel discomfortable at all, just wondering why it won’t burn away :grin: . Love, Niels