I have a question: when I inhale and follow the breath through the spine, at one point it have to take a turn (in the head) and go to the front of the head to that point between the eyes right?
Am I doing this right? All I read is follow the breath up and down through the spine but the spine is not going straight between the eyes?
So do I follow the breath with a curve?
Hi George,
Yes, you are doing the practice correctly. You follow the spine with your attention, up to the top of the spine, then towards the centre of the head and then turn forwards towards the point between the eyebrows. It is here in lesson 49:
“Next, with each rising inhalation of the breath, allow your attention to travel upward inside a tiny thread, or tube, you visualize beginning at your perineum, continuing up through the center of your spine, and up through the stem of your brain to the center of your head. At the center of your head the tiny nerve makes a turn forward to the point between your eyebrows.” [Yogani]
Hope that helps.
Thank you very much Christi, perfect, then all goes well.
Have a great day!