SBP energy has two strings?

I am experiencing a flow of energy from root to brow but, I it is seperated. The easy way is to diffusely visualize/feel a string from brown trough the stomach and to the perenium. This path feels more at the root often. The harder way is the path following the centre of the spine from the brow trough the highest cords all the way to the last cord between the buttcheeks and then to the perenium. What is going on, what should I do?

Hi Anahora,
If you are able to feel the sensation of prana moving through the centre of your body, then you should follow that with your attention when doing Spinal Breathing. When this is happening, it means that the spinal nerve has expanded and has moved forwards in the body.
It is best to only use one channel for Spinal Breathing, so at this stage you should let go of visualising the thread going up your spine, and just follow the felt sensations.
See lesson addition 44.1:
Addition 44.1 - Clarification on Visualizing the Spinal Nerve
“Spinal breathing is a simple process. When the energy becomes more lively going up and down the spinal nerve, that can be used instead of visualization. You might first notice cool and warm currents (Lesson 63). There can be light also. That is the beginning of what we call “ecstatic conductivity.” Because of the coming reality of the energy itself, a lot of elaborate visualization is not encouraged. Complex visualizations can end up distracting from what is really happening. We just use visualization to prime the pump. Once the water (inner energy) is flowing, we can go up and down the spinal nerve with that.” [Yogani]
You may also want to read Yogani’s replies in this topic:

Thank you Christi! I wonder how you manage to answer us, its great almost too great for my bald posts.

Hi Anahora
What does this mean ? Could u or someone else elaborate pls?
Because of the coming reality of the energy itself a lot of elaborate visualization is not encouraged. Complex visualizations can end up distracting from what is really happening.,

Hi SparklingDiamond,
It means that once we begin to feel the prana flowing through the spinal nerve, we can follow that with our attention, going up and down the sushumna with our breath. If we were to add a visualization on top of that, it would simply be distracting and unnecessary. Visualizing is useful in the beginning, so that we are bringing our attention to the right place, but not once a felt-sense of the prana has been developed, or once we are able to actually see the spinal nerve.

It means that our minds sometimes have a tendency to make things more complicated than they need to be. That’s why it’s a good idea to revisit the lessons every now and then, and keep to the simple instructions that Yogani has outlined.

Thanks Christi and Blue Raincoat!
You said:
Hi SparklingDiamond,
“It means that once we begin to feel the prana flowing through the spinal nerve, we can follow that with our attention”
A queation for you please
What does it feel like when the Prana starts flowing?
Thank you! :slight_smile:

Hi SparklingDiamond,
Prana can be felt in many ways, but in terms of the sushumna nadi, it is most often felt as enegry, or electricity. Yogani sometimes refers to it as “ecstatic conductivity”, to highlight the fact that it can often be felt flowing from one place to another in the body, or forming a connection between two points. It can also sometimes be felt flowing out beyond the body.