Request Samyama Healing

Reflecting on what has been said here I would like to discuss Sadhak’s idea of incorporating some outward healing in the Sunday Gobal Meditations.
As discussed, the way to do this, in keeping with AYP principles, is to do a samyama healing. This presents the problem however that some people here would not yet be doing samyama and might be tempted to jump into it prematurely in order to take part in the healing.
As this would be an experiment we could, as a group, do the samyama healing on one person here and then get feedback from that person on what, if any, effects they felt. It could be done on a different person each week.
This, in effect, would add an extra 30 seconds onto normal samyama. All that would be required is to say the persons name in ones mind and then release it into the silence, after 15 seconds do this again.
If this idea was approved and adopted by people then it would be important to note the following:

  1. That a person who does not currently have regular samyama incorporated into their normal practice - should not jump into doing samyama so that they can partake in the healing.
  2. The recipient of samyama healing does not have to practice samyama.
    What do people think ?
    Note: Please look at the topics Global Group Meditation, for further information on the AYP global group meditation and Global Group Samyama Healing for more details on group samyama. To be added to the samyama healing list please post a reply here or contact our support team.
    The Samyama Healing List is here:

COUNT ME IN… :sunglasses:

Great Shweta, thanks for the support. :slight_smile:
All we need now is a volunteer to receive the first healing.
Anyone else want to join in the healing samyama in the Group meditation on Sunday.

Great initiative Louis! Count me in too!
If no one volunteers with something important, you can use me as a last resort, nothing serious, but I do happen to have a little strain on the right side of my neck over the last couple of days!

I would like to volunteer Sarah since she has been feeling sick this week and has been doing the AYP practice for about 6 months but does not do samyama yet. Though she is new to the forum she has been with our sunday groups the last two weeks so is ready to try.

Sarah seems like a prime candidate!

Ok we will go with Sarah
See you there

Much better, I was hoping we would find something meaningful, Sarah get ready! :slight_smile:
ps- Friendly reminder for everyone to start the mantra part of your practices at 15 minutes past the hour in your respective time zone, i.e. 11:15am EST and 8:15am PST etc.

So after we are done with our routine… we pick Sarah’s name (in our mind) for 10-15 secs and drop it into our silence for about 45 secs and do it again… Right???
I am sorry to hear you are not doing too well Sarah. Hope you feel better soon.

Delighted to hear that Sarah, hope things go well for you.

This was a great idea. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Thanks Shweta
As you know it is a collective effort by everyone involved, initiated by Sadhaks post and taken from there. The already established group meditations is the perfect vehicle to marry this with and your masterful efforts to establish these are very much appreciated also.
As Yogani has posted elsewhere, the healing samyama idea is not new and we should hear more about it in the future.
I find this whole development fascinating and hope it will continue and grow. :slight_smile:

Howzzat! This is great initiative Sparkle… I missed this, coz wasn’t on net… Just read the feedback too. Not that I really missed it, because I haven’t begun Samyama yet.
We all are on glide mode… the group. something is growing here. And it looks wonderful.

If anyone is feeling under the weather and would like to volunteer themselves for the samyama healing tomorrow in the Group Meditation, then please let us know. :slight_smile:

If no one else volunteers, I would like to suggest Richard.

Ok we will go with Richard as being the recipient of the samyama healing today.
Look forward to meeting you all there.

Thanks Shweta and everyone.
see you there :slight_smile:

That was wonderful today everyone… i truly had a great meditation. Hope you felt all the love Richard:-)

A beautiful meditation session. After my Samyama I entered a lovely area of inner silence this experiment is wonderful its a totally different experience being the recipient, there was a realisation that it is the beginning of a melding of minds that we are experiencing here, wonderful thank you.
In my opinion every one in this group should have the chance to experience this. How about Shweta next week. :slight_smile:
Yes I did feel the love :sunglasses:
Blessings Richard

Thanks for suggesting my name Richard. However, I think Andrew should be next… if that is OK with you Andrew.
The following is just an idea… if people agree with this… esp. you Louis… we could incorporate this… We don’t have to do this… but I think this way people don’t have to feel shy about asking for healing… and we don’t have to ask every week who wants to volunteer next… Again THIS IS JUST AN PLAN… we don’t have to do it.

Here is what I was thinking… and Louis you don’t have to agree with this.
Let’s go alphabetically and assign dates to each person.
This way, each one knows, which weekend they are going to be the recipient… and can keep themselves available for that day.
Few things to keep in mind… correct me if I am wrong…
1- You DON’T have to be a part of the meditation group to be a recipient of the Shamyama healing.
2- You DON’T have to be participating in the group sending Shamyama healing in order to receive healing.
3- If you are On the LIST and don’t want to receive healing… let us know, and we will take you off the list…
4-This list will be changeable for 2 weeks… then new participants will be added to the end of the list.
5-I think I have everyone who has announced themselves to be a part of the mediation group, in the list below… If I have missed anyone… please forgive me… Also, some have not announced themselves… if you would still like to be a part of the healing list… please do let us know… we will add you to the list.
6-If for any reason you will not be available on the date below… let us know and someone could switch days with you.
7-If there is an emergency request… not sure how you want to handle it… replace the person scheduled for that day or do healing for 2 people on the same day?
Dates are in the month/day/year format.
Andrew---- 07/30/06
Babaly----- 08/06/06
David------ 08/13/06
Elldibor---- 08/20/06
Ether------ 08/27/06
Jim-------- 09/03/06
Katrine---- 09/10/06
Louis------ 09/17/06
Meg------- 09/24/06
Near------ 10/01/06
Richard---- 07/23/06***
Sadhak---- 10/08/06
Sarah------ 07/16/06***
Shweta---- 10/15/06
Victor------ 10/22/06
Wolfgang— 10/29/06