I just had a realization…I always tell people that I discovered yoga when I was 17 yrs old…but in reality, I remembered yoga at 17. I went to my first class with a friend and we laughed throughout the class making fun of the teacher! But all I could think of was “I’ve done this before. I’ve done yoga before.” Like it was familiar from another lifetime.
Anyone else had similar experience?
Yes, the most profound was with the sutras of Patanjali, the first book of yoga I read. Everything in me resonated with that little book full of the not easy to read sutras. Exploring the sutras I got hot flushes, extreme head pressure and I did not understand why. At the same time there was that feeling, this is it, this is Thruth, I know this and have forgotten it.
Yes. The other time Christi told me about my experience which was nirvikalpa samadhi and I perfectly felt that I have done it before and it was like a dejavu. And not only that, it didn’t even surprise me that much as if something that has been with me all along. What I felt is like Oh I just found my watch kind of thing.
Hey Chard, sounds awesome!
I never believed my local after death theories. I don’t believe other’s. I don’t really know. But I’ve had deja vu many times.