Reishi mushrooms

Hi, I was wondering if anyone else has any experience with reishi or similar medicinal mushrooms.
Everyday I am in a state of ecstacy from chakra meditation and bliss from pranayama. At the moment I do at least one session of each every day to mantain it.
Today I ate a burger containing a large amount of reishi, maitake and turkey tail mushroom powders. I had no idea it would effect me in such a way but shortly after eating it, I felt the bliss intensify and at the same time my whole body became very relaxed and I felt unusually peaceful and calm. There was also a huge increase in my overall positivity and care free feeling, which I can’t quite describe. I already feel these feelings to a certain degree, but there was an overwhelming magnification of them.
I looked up if there was any spiritual effects of reishi (which I suspected is the key active ingredient, due to it’s potency) and to my suprise I found out there was. It’s apparently used by Taoists.
I will make sure I consume it daily from now on as the effect is overwhelmingly positive, but I will have to find out the correct dosage. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and if there is any other spiritual enhancing herbs that I can try.

Dear Hawd90,
Enhancing your spiritual practice /state by means of herbs medicinal or otherwise is not recommended in AYP. It is generally perceived as damaging in the long term. Plus we are not seeking a continuous blissful & happy state but rather the ability to be happy in whatever situation we find ourselves in through active surrender. The spiritual embraces both ends of the dual world we live in until we find ourselves outside of, and within it all.
Sey :pray: