Hello All:
Just a reminder that we have an ongoing program offering a deep discount on any combination AYP books bought in quantity. It is 55% off the list retail prices plus shipping direct from AYP’s printer in Tennessee/USA, London/UK or Melbourne/Australia. The list prices can be found through seller links on the AYP books page.
There is no minimum quantity requirement to order. The economics of it are determined by shipping cost. In most cases, less than 5 books will be less expensive to order from Amazon or other discount retailer.
If you are interested in obtaining more than 5 books (any combination of AYP titles), using the deep discount will usually be a good deal. The more books ordered, the better the deal, as shipping cost becomes less of a factor.
If you would like to help spread the word on AYP, handing out books to others who you feel can benefit (and who can also spread the word) is an excellent way to do it. Books you obtain through this discount program may also be resold.
For quotes on delivery of AYP books to your area, write me on the AYP Contact Page.
If you would rather make a donation to help spread the word on AYP, see this forum topic.
Wishing you all the best on your path. Practice wisely, and enjoy!
The guru is in you.
Hi Yogani,
What is your policy on electronic versions of your books…i.e. ebooks?
All my versions are electronic from Powells.com …they allow unlimited printing and I think up to 4 downloads.
I was thinking about sending some friends (I already sent my daughter DM) electronic versions.
I don’t mind compensating you (or your publisher) for each version I send. I am fortunate enough to have some $ that I have not spent yet.
Hi Machart:
eBooks are not intended to be shared outside a household. If they are shared beyond that, this would begin to undermine the primary source of financial support for AYP – the books.
It is preferred to keep the online lessons free to all, and the books available for a modest cost. The free online lessons are available because the books provide some financial support. That support is yet to reach break-even here. In other words, the personal bank account is still subsidizing it to a degree, though not as much as in the past. I am hopeful that AYP will be fully self-supporting in the not-too-distant future. As it is, our ability to invest in promotion remains very limited. AYP continues to be a global knowledge transmission strategy being run on a shoestring.
It is an interesting idea you raise about gifting AYP ebooks. It can apply to the AYP audiobooks too. This could be done through donations with email addresses provided to me on where to send the gifted ebook(s). While I’d like to offer a discount for ebook/audiobook gifting orders, it is not the same scenario as for the paperbacks, which are physical products that can be ordered in quantity, given away or resold (for a profit if desired). eBooks and audiobooks do not lend themselves to that kind of distribution structure. Plus, the ebooks are inexpensive to begin with – 1/2 the paperback retail cost, or less, depending on the book. To go lower for a small quantity of ebooks (for the e-series especially) would see a large percentage eaten up in Paypal transaction costs.
So, bottom line, ebooks or audiobooks can be gifted by contacting me and doing the transaction at the direct download cost (see here for those).
Does this sound interesting?
Thanks for the suggestion.
The guru is in you.
PS: Your reply got in front of this post because I removed it and edited to include audiobooks and a few other points. Glad you like it.
The direct download method is very reasonable and will be the way I buy all your writings for myself and friends.
I did not see any offer for electronic download on eBay when I checked tonight. You may want to investigate this marketing avenue to spread the teachings.
Thanks again for all your current and future contributions!