Problem of energy during lovemaking

Sorry my English, I speak French.
I practice yoga and I am interested by the conservation of energy during lovemaking since years.
I never met a female partner interested by tantra. Thus I have ‘ordinaries’ partners.
When the orgasm starts to come, I practice the vajroli will mudra, moola bandha and the uddiyana bandha, plus blocking of energy with fingers (As teached here) because I am beginner and I have to perfect the techniques.
Sperm is not evacuated but 1 hours or more after the orgasm (without ejaculation), I have a bad feeling, with difficulty to concentrate, this feeling is like this energy had left and evacuated or wasted.
Can you help me to understand and solve this problem? :slight_smile:
Thank you in advance for helping me :blush:

Hi Pascal,
Welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:
Here is the good news… you don’t need to find a partner interested in Tantra in order to practice it. “Ordinaires” partners will do just fine. :slight_smile: . All you have to do is to refrain from orgasm during sex. The blocking technique advised on this website is a beginner stage practice, and you should move on as soon as you can. If you practice blocking (with or without fingers) the sperm (or semen) is redirected to your bladder and there is a loss of energy involved. Blocking is better than not blocking, but nowhere near as good as not reaching orgasm at all. It is not easy at all, but you get used to it in time.
All the best.

Thanks Christi for your response.
I think I understand a little. The orgasm is to be avoided to avoid a ‘depression’ of energy.
I am ready to do it, because unconsciously, I have the same answer.
But how to avoid the temptation of orgasm?
When one feels that there is more to make . (RRHH!!! sorry my ‘‘English’’ again!! :clown_face: )
The key is To make love longer?
When I am alone, when I have too much desire, I use the masturbation, at the the same time, I training for Vajroli (without ejaculation of semen but with orgasm).
What I have to do to avoid temptation to go until orgasm?
Knowing that I am alone, I do not see how to prolong this ‘experiment’ :slight_smile:
Thank you ! :blush:

Pascal, do you meditate? Meditation is one major key in tantric practices. When you feel that great temptation to have the orgasm… you can stop, and offer it to the inner stillness, which is cultivated during deep meditation! Without any inner stillness it is a real challenge to stop the desire for orgasm! It’s much easier when you have something to replace it with, and inner silence is the best ever to fill out the place that would otherwise be occupied by an orgasm!

The bad feeling you get is a natural consequence of orgasm even if blocked. It is because with orgasm, or getting too close to orgasm, there is a peak of dopamine in the brain (limbic system), and immediately after that the dopamine level becomes lower than normal, and is erratic for two weeks, while still being lower than normal.
See this video on youtube about the process, and what tantra controls:
You have to use things like meditation, desire to use prana for other things, and spinal breathing to control the process. I think there’s a lot more information in the tantra lessons link above.

Thank you Emc and Etherfish.
I think I have to make a better meditation, on the same time, orgasm become less important for me with years, it’s time for me for a slow transition. Thanks again!

By the way Many many THANKS for this forum, the lessons…And thanks to Yogani.

I am interested in reading a good book about Tantra. I read Yogani’s book and enjoyed it. I am interested in reading more in-depth about the biology of Tantra, such as what was mentioned here about dopamine levels. I am also interested in more specific techniques that do not involve the perineum blocking, which I really feel is unhealthy. I felt the Tantra lesson was vague in the sense that when one moves beyond blocking…what is there to do? Is it that it happens automatically? I do not recall any mention of mudras of bandhas to be performed or breaths. Maybe I need to re-read the book.
Anyway, if anyone has any books on this subject please let me know :slight_smile:

Hi Anthony,
This post here offers some alternatives to blocking and some helpful books on the subject: