Pressure in the pit of the stomach after Pranayama

I recently started again a regular practice following mainly the AYP routine. I noticed that after a well-done Spinal Breathing I feel a pressure in the pit of the stomach (roughly where the diaphragm is located) which persist for some time after the practice.
It’s not a painful feeling, it just generates a kind of tension feeling that at times makes me more irritable than usual and kind of “cramped”.
Is it a normal energetic effect of the practice? What does it mean?
Thanks a lot!

Hi Nullo
It means that you are becoming aware that the energy is not flowing freely in that area.
If it is not too unpleasant and does not interfere with your daily activities, then I would just allow that “cramped” feeling to be. It will disappear in time. If it gets more intense and problematic, then self-pacing is in order.
What is your practice routine these days?

5min Spinal Breathing + 30min Deep Meditation.
At least once per day, occasionally twice.
During everyday activities I try to maintain awareness of my bodily feelings.
After 1/2 hour the sensation subsides, so I guess I don’t need to reduce the practice at the moment.

30min Deep Meditation.
At least once per day, occasionally twice.
[/quote]You probably know that Yogani would recommend splitting that into two sessions. If you are able to spend 30 minutes each day meditating, it is better to do 15 minutes in the morning and 15 in the afternoon.
If you wish to meditate more, Lesson 139 - Extending Practice Time Safely is the one to read.

During everyday activities I try to maintain awareness of my bodily feelings.
[/quote]Again, if you read the lessons, you probably know that you are doubling up. Increased awareness does come as a result of AYP meditation. When you do it on purpose during the day however, it is a practice. There is another reason AYP does not recommend it: we need to integrate the results of our practice into daily activity. So when we go about our daily life, we pay attention to the whatever it is we are doing rather than try to practice at the same time.