Practices, sensitivity, overload

In some traditions, one is advised to think about God permanently, have God in mind whatever one does. Is that also a spiritual practice that might lead to overload? Likewise, is reading spiritual literature a spiritual practice that might lead to overload? And finally: Do different people respond differently to same practices, meaning that reading literature could easily lead to overload for one person but not for the other?

Hi Subnaut,
Yes, constantly having God in mind is a s spiritual practice and could lead to energetic overload, as can praying and reading spiritual literature. People who are spiritually sensitive need to be careful about these things.
And yes, everyone is affected differently by spiritual practices. And the same person can be affected differently at different times on their journey.

Thanks, Christi. I think Iā€™m quite sensitive to reading spiritual literature. Why is that?
There is so much out there Iā€™d like to read, but I can hardly read several days in a row (perhaps half an hour each) before the first symptoms occur. Even reading the forum may lead to symptoms.

Hi Subnaut,
When people become spiritually sensitive, pretty much anything related to spirituality may set them off. Even watching a romantic movie could do it, or breastfeeding a baby. It is not a bad thing. It means you have a lot of inner purification going on. So, giving that some time to work its way through the system can be very beneficial. The books will still be there when things have calmed down. It could take a few weeks, or months.