Hello to all who reads this. I am new to this forum. I am seeking some form of help/guidance/comfort.
I . Am. Terrified.
This will be a long post, but I will try to keep this brief for the sake of the readers… Certain details will be left out, and key details will be included.
I started my journey as a magickian and have been on a spiritual journey for 3 years. My chakras were opened in 2020, unintentionally. Throughout the years, some of my chakras have been imbalanced or over-active. I have been able to manage them or balance them, especially by doing energy work - moving energy around to storage points, or temporarily closing chakras.
Now, as of lately, I have had immense head pressure/kundalini pressure in my head. Sort of like a headache. I’ve dealt with it before (Following methods from a book by Robert Bruce, called Energy Work), but nothing like recent. Last week, I had tried to meditate and move energy in a circuit, as per method in said book, starting from my feet, through to back of my body, then through the front of my body, and then grounding that energy to “Mother Earth”. I have do so many times, except this time, I had raised Kundalini. This was the first time I have ever raised it… The experience was so intense, I cut my meditation/energy work short. The energy stopped in my mid-back, and eventually fell back to the root chakra. This was 2 weeks ago, September 14th. Since then, the Kundalini kept rising. I have stopped all energy work, tried various grounding methods, and even stopped those, as it seems to aggravate the Kundalini.
Since then, I have taken time off work, trying to bring myself back to “normal”… Nothing has been “normal” during this period. My legs, sciatica nerves, lower back, and kidneys have all been in pain. My nervous system is in extreme pain. I will try to sleep to let this pass, only to have hot surges of energy shoot up my spine, to my neck, head, and all around my head, and face. I cannot sleep…Feeling like bugs are crawling on me, feeling like I am on a psychedelic trip, all while being at home and laying on the couch. I. Am. Terrified!!! - I -know- this is Kundalini - But I dont know how, or even if possible to ease or stop this pain/process. I do not want this. Or consent to this. However, I understand that… I - Am - This - This is me.
I am scared to go back to work this coming monday, as I dont want something to happen as I drive the company vehicle, or work along side my co-workers. I am going through this all alone. I am a 30 year old man living with mother, but cannot tell her or my family. I have read many books on Kundalini, the best so far was Neven Paar’s “Serpernt Rising: Kundalini Compendium” where he details everything that I/we are going through… but I dont know how to ease the pain/discomfort/feeling of like I am on a psychedelic drug trip. I need to go back to work to support myself, as I am currently living paycheck-to-paycheck, but I am concerned that I cannot control what is happening, and end up have some sort of incident/episode at work in front of my co-workers/customers.
My apologies for my long rant/message. If you’ve made it this far, I thank you for reading. Please, brother/sister, I am dearly seeking your help/advice/guidance…please. I am in deep depression, feeling helpless, in bodily pain, frightened, and concerned about my employment due to this Kundalini stuff. I am begging you for some advice/help.
Thank you.
Hi LA604,
Sorry to hear about the difficulty you are experiencing. The most important thing you can do at this stage is to stop all spiritual practices and focus on grounding practices. Circulating energy around your torso, is a spiritual practice and will tend to make things worse. The grounding practices that work for most people are things like walking in nature, swimming, working in the garden, socialising etc. Eating heavier foods for a while will help and avoiding strict celibacy. Strict celibacy will tend to cause sexual energy to build-up in the body, increasing the energy.
It is unlikely that you would experience an episode at work. This is because work is often grounding. You would be engaging with people, keeping busy, remaining active etc. Kundalini episodes tend to be stronger when people are either engaged in spiritual practices, or sitting quietly alone, or reading spiritual books. Working on computers can also make symptoms worse, as it involves concentration on a specific object (the screen).
This is a short video I recorded for YouTube called “Managing a painful kundalini awakening”.
You may also find lesson 69 helpful on this website.