Hello there,
Since a few years I suffer some very strong itching on the penis sheath.
When the crisis starts, I scrub myself then I become an irritation and also cracked skin which blood sometimes around the brake region. The urologist say that I have to get my penis brake removed. I will get surgery done next week.
May it have effects on y yoga practice ? Thanks for your answers.
Love, Niels
I would ask for a second opinion. I don’t understand how surgery and a skin condition are related. The choice of surgery requires deliberate thought.
My energetic practices at times have resulted in rashes on my genitals, and a cream from my dermatologist took care of it.
Niels, This isn’t a site for medical advice but I thought I’d weigh in given your level of distress and concern about its impact on your yoga practice. It sounds like you suffer from phimosis. If you aren’t able to retract your foreskin you can develop irritation and over growth of yeast underneath, which can cause a lot of irritation. Scratching can lead to cracks in the skin. Assuming you’ve tried some of the cortisones and antiyeast creams that most docs will prescribe, it is not uncommon for the urologist to recommend a circumcision. A circumcision has no impact on yoga practices other than possibly some discomfort in the immediate post operative period as the sin heals.
Hello Interpaul, I’ve tried creams against yeast (mycosis) but it hasn’t help. It’s highly related to the level of stress i’m encountering.
Anyway, after the operation (in 3 days) i will give some feedback ! Love, Niels