Papulopustular and ocular rosacea

Anyone has any good suggestions on how to take care of this condition that I have been blessed with since a couple of weeks? I’m under antibiotic treatment at the moment with both pills and metronidazole paste. Any alternative methods that may help? Except for yoga and deep meditation of course? :slight_smile:

Hi emc…
Sorry to hear of your condition. You could try horsechestnut remedies as these are meant to strengthen blood vessels. Women (and men I guess too) often use this to help prevent vericose veins and hemroids too I think because this stuff helps to harden the walls of the viens. If my understanding of your condition is correct, this supplement could help. Most health food stores should have some. Good luck!
Carson :+1:

My mom has rosacea. She has a cream for it (metrogel??) but also, there are some food substances that she avoids because they trigger worse outbreaks. Alcohol, even a bit of wine for her can trigger it. And for some reason, staying away from wheat, rye, barley—anything with gluten in it helps her too.
Hope you find a solution soon.

Some 20 years ago, I had what they call "gordelroos " in dutch.
About 10 cm under my armpit, itching and painfull. I did not treat it, after few weeks it went away by itself.

Thank you for the feedback, my friends! I’ll look for the chestnut thing! And NagoyaSea, I’ve understood it can be quite important to look for triggers. I’ll start keeping a diary to see what might trigger it!
It’s very much purification going on at the moment, and this is a great part of it, taking one more round with attachment to exterior looks and appearances, shame and self-image! I seem to need a lot of pushing from life to go into those parts! :slight_smile:

If you’re like my mom, this may be with you the rest of your life, BUT, she goes for years with no outbreaks or very rare anyway, from having been able to figure out what makes the condition worse and avoid those few things. granted, though, she did break down and go to a doctor and get some gel for when it did flare badly.
light and love,

I’m sorry to hear about your mom, but good to hear how one can learn to live with it! I’ve been reading some on the net about it, so I start feeling informed of how it can come and go differently for different persons.
I started doing samyama on it today! I think that’s the ultimate medicine! :sunglasses: Got some very strong energetic reactions! The difficult thing is to have no “wish” of outcome when releasing the sutra… who knows, it might make it worse…? :astonished: :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forum WilliamGeorge.

Hi emc,
I was having lots of problems with this from my K symptoms. lots of heat that would errupt with rosacea. In part, there was some purification with some anger issues. this is much better now. things I did (and continue to do): follow a vata/pitta pacifying diet as well as take some ayurvedic herbs that were prescribed for me. I think keeping a journal to identify both food related but also emotional triggers is a good idea. an interesting site I found was:
anyway, mine has mostly cleared up with very infrequent flare-ups and I believe mine was transitional from a K erruption plus menopause. hope this helps!

I went through 50 days of traditional medical treatment (antibiotics), and it worked well, but in the end, there were still some traces of rashes, particularly around the eyes.
I started amaroli, drinking 3-4 drops every day. It had some effect, but didn’t really disappear totally. So then I started taking some urine and put it directly on the rashes around the eyes.
After approximately 2 weeks of that, there is now no sign of rosacea! :slight_smile:
And… when going to the optics for new glasses because the latest weeks it has felt as if I needed it (headaches etc), it turned out… I have gone from -1,25 to -0,75! I don’t know if the last is amaroli related, but it’s not totally unlikely, no? :slight_smile:
Phew, thank god for this website!

I’m now coming back reading this topic since I have/have had a new outbreak of rosacea. It’s the weirdest physical thing I’ve ever had.
Along with the rashes in the face, it comes a fatigue and a small nausea lying in the background all the time, and the stomach gets upset… The symptoms may sound unrelated, but they appear at the same time, exactly like the first time. I strongly believe they are related to the rashes. I wonder if the bacterias (? - they don’t know if it’s bacterial or viral or something else yet) have their home in the stomach? And I see on the dates - the outbreak came during the same period of the year… Hm.
Anyway… this time I didn’t take antibiotics. I went directly to amaroli, just one drop a day, and the rashes were gone in five days!!! It’s amazing!
However, Yogajan, I read your post and I have to admit, I’m dealing with anger right now… as I did last year by this time as well… Thanks for bringing me on to something here! :slight_smile:

Hi emc,
I just read your post and was wondering how your rosacea was doing the last 10 years…