Online Int. AYP Retreat 20th to 23rd April

Hi all,
In April I will be leading a 4-day online retreat. The dates will be the 20th to 23rd April 2023.
During the retreat we will look at the topic of Samyama and Siddhis. Samyama is a yogic practice that is described in chapter three of The Yoga Shastras of Patanjali. The practice is designed to purify the body and mind leading to liberation. Siddhis are psychic abilities that arise through the practice of yoga. These psychic abilities are often said to be simply a distraction on the path of yoga, however, having knowledge of them can help when it comes to recognising them, and navigating them as they arise.
We will look at how Patanjali describes the process of samyama and at how Yogani describes the practice in the AYP writings. We will look at how to use samyama, both inside of, and outside of, regular sitting practice times. We will also look at the practice of Cosmic Samyama.
Afternoon practices on the retreat will include Asana, Spinal Breathing Pranayama, mantra meditation using the AYAM mantra and samyama.
Full details for the retreat are here