Hi, I have been listening to the swami rama lectures and he was saying that there are many states of samadhi and that has lead me to believe an ongoing state of bliss and ecstasy, inbetween practice sessions, is one of those states.
I would like those who are also in this state to see if they agree with my observations.
- You are aware that the world in front of you is a dream world and is not as solid as it appears. (I have had a twin flame experience, where the room we were in completely disappeared into a black void, as if I was in a dream, but I was actually wide awake).
- The bliss and ecstasy intensifies whenever you do something you enjoy, or just look at something you think is beautiful. In my case it is looking up at the sky, no matter if it is clouds, sunset or stars. The detail and the colors really pop out at me and the energy intensifies. Music also does this too.
- When reaching the more extreme states, weird events happen, such as in my case a meteorite bursting into flames, very low down above my head, the moment I looked up at the stars.
- Your external reality changes in a way that life becomes easier, smoother and things tend to go your way. I say this because before, I was always having one thing go wrong after another. I was also getting into the occasional confrontation with people. Now I am in this state, all of the previously mentioned things have disapeared. I am certain it is connected to the fact that fear, anxiety, materialism and depression have been completley eradicated from my life. I have not had them return even once. The only negative emotion that I have felt from time to time is anger. Thats the last one left for me to get rid of. This relationship between your internal state and your external experience also further adds to my belief that this is in fact a dream world.