Hi everyone
I am often experiencing neck tensions, sometimes leading to light or stronger headaches. It very often results from sleep, but also rarer from tension during the day or also wrong food intake. I am vata-pitta and for example too much cold and light food can create this tension. While I sleep very well and recover very well, it usually takes me some time to fall asleep. During this pre-sleep period, I often feel this tension as well.
Why I am posting tis here in the AYP forum is because when this tension occurs, I automatically (like an automatic yoga) start to stretch my neck and head forward and to the sides like in (dynamic) jalandhara (bandha). Additionally, this feels to me like there is no free flow of energy from the neck to the head and the energy is somehow trying to get through, but can’t. The often resulting headache-like feeling somehow feels like it results from energy being stuck there or energy not reaching there at all.
As it often occurs after sleep I am supposing that I may unconsciously be doing this or something similar during the night as well.
I am practicing hatha yoga and meditation since about 5 years. I started to practice kriya yoga practices from different traditions about two years ago until I settled down for 1 year now in AYP.
I consider this as an energy imbalance and one could argue to not put too much emphasis on it. But I have this for a long time now and start to wonder what it is about.
Any thoughts are appreciated
hey lightandlove,
be welcome to the forums! I do not experience neck tensions as you do but I’ve had the energetic urge to do dynamic jalandhara for close to two years now. My body reacts very physical to my yoga practise in general. There are many automatic movements/shaking/etc. and dynamic jalandhara happend this way as well. In my case there was a huge blockage in the neck area which is dissolving still. My girlfriend tells me that many of these movements keep going on while I’m asleep even though I usually don’t notice them myself. I sometimes wake up in the morning and feel very hungover, like I have been drinking heavily the day before. When that happens it is a sign for me to self pace my daytime practises because the ongoing purification while sleeping has been too much. It becomes especially strong on full moon days and it seems to affect not just me but also people in close proximity to me. My girlfriend oftentimes feels completely overloaded after sleeping next to me while I feel rested and normally.
I’d recommend you self-pace your practise a little when your neck tensions are becoming too uncomfortable. Besides that we have to just keep going. Any blockage will dissolve eventually and such tendencies as for automatic movements will keep becoming less and less until they stop completely.
Hello lightandlove
I had this issue, the solution was to get a medical pillow
Hi maheswari,
thanks a lot for your reply. With medical pillow you mean one of those ergonomic pillows?
Hi Stille,
thanks a lot for your reply. Good to hear your story.
One question: how do you feel that it is dissolving at the moment?
Hello lightandlove
yes i mean those sold at any pharmacy or medical equipment stores.The pillow has an uneven surface which matches the neck and head natural positions.
Also practice neck and shoulders yoga exercises
I can feel it clearly on the energetic level. Dream content and changing physical movements are indicators too.
Thanks again for your answers
I found one of these pillows and its true also for me that it makes things easier regarding sleep.
I also found that doing targeted bhastrika to that are helps as well. Also focusing on relaxation throughout the day helps