Natural DMT Experience?

Hi everyone,
I had a strange experience recently that seems to strongly resemble a low dose of DMT.
I was having a normal, fuzzy dream which suddenly flashed into geometric patterns accompanied by a pleasurable sensation of being very light.
I woke up seconds later with no pause in the visual patterns. They shifted from geometric shapes separated by little black ‘eyes’ to what looked like a tour through a network of wires (nadis?).
The visuals were the same whether I had my eyes open or not. When my eyes were open, I could see the patterns/wires overlaid on my normal vision.
I felt like I was moving very quickly (while still in bed) yet not going in any particular direction, almost like a very powerful motor was running inside me.
This continued for a few minutes and I simply went back to sleep.
Any thoughts?

Given the subjective similarity and from what little is known from in vivo studies on rats ( and I find it quite plausible that DMT or similar chemicals endogenous to the brain might accompany such natural experiences. Especially during night and during meditation when melatonin gets metabolized(*), DMT or similar substances might get produced for a short period.

  • It’s interesting that long-term meditators seem to have higher melatonin levels on average, and that in particular during meditation melatonin gets metabolised.

It’s not unusual for a person who has consumed DMT to have such dreams. I myself have had them too. But open-eyed visuals post waking up? That’s something I guess. Or maybe not? You should look up erowid or something to see if people have had such experiences.
Tensor is right to point out the role of melatonin in play, since the molecular structure of DMT and melatonin is just a CO2 molecule away.
Stay safe and grounded :slight_smile: