Hi, I am a new member. Hope this is the right place to post my question, if not, please delete.
I have experienced spiritual awakening since January 2024, and become a seafood vegetarian since Feb for some reason (eat prawns only–I dont know for what reason :)). I have lost so much weight, even I ate a lot (I am concerned about my health; has anyone had similar experience?)
Recently, I have activated “witness consciousness”, this cold energy made me uncomfortable initially, now I cope with it well.
A few days ago, my kundalini energy seemed to awaken (I may be wrong). I meditate every night, and one night when I was listening to Crown Chakra music, I suddenly felt my feet, hands, and brain burning, then, stopped the practice, and listened music to help with sleep. I woke up at midnight due to an unusual hot feeling; my feet and hands were burning. I did not know it was due to the awakening of kundalini until the next day when I read posts online.
I have tried to raise the energy a couple of times using K awakening music on Youtube; each time I felt the “electrical” feelings at my feet, my arms, or head also with intensive tingling…with all those sensations, I felt the energy moving out from “my lower stomach area”. then it stops the process at some point.
I can constantly feel the energy moving, even while sitting, walking or practicing yoga.
Also, a couple of weeks ago, I have tried closing my eyes while doing yoga (for no reason) and attempted to walk at the playground with my eyes closed (though only for a very short distance each time).
I feel confused and am not sure if this experience is related to someone else’s here.
My question is: has my kundalini energy wakened, or something else??? if my kundalini energy has awakened. However, it does not rise. Do I need to practice anything specific to facilitate this process?
Hi Wyn,
It does sound as if you are experiencing a kundalini awakening. I would suggest letting go of any ideas about what is supposed to happen and simply focus on developing a regular daily meditation practice. The main lessons on this website will guide you through that process.
I have recently published a book called Kundalini Awakening - Questions and Answers, which covers many of the symptoms that can arise due to kundalini and how to manage the process. So, you may find that useful. That is here:
Thank you very much, Christi, for sharing the lessons and your book with me. I will definitely read them with interest.
Yes, you are right; I have returned to a normal medication process after reading about the side effects many people have experienced with the rise of Kundalini.
I can feel the energy moving constantly. especially when I am doing yoga,
Perhaps the only thing I can do is to prepare my body and mind.