Hello everyone,
I wanted to know if you practice mulabandha throughout the day, or you simply do it during the practices.
I have a tendancy to do it everytime, but i’m not really sure if it is of great help. Many thanks for your answers,
Dear Niels,
Mulabandha is a component of the sitting practices and hence done during practice times. While I can imagine that doing it all day can give you bursts of ecstatic conductivity and is highly pleasurable, it could lead to over-load. I would discourage practicing it all the time.
kind regards,
As a practitioner I will firstly say that I discourage it unless you are ready to add it to your sitting pranayama…but the Bandha does not seem to give me overloads regardless of how long I use it during the day. A minute of SBP in practice in the other hand does stir the soup profoundly and usually overload me nowadays.
Maybe I did not understand you regarding if you do the bandha willingly. Common sense if it is involuntary (automatic yoga) you should be fine
This is an “inner guru” thing. Yogis differ greatly. Plus mulabandha strikes me differently on a daily basis. If you are, as Sey suggests, spiritually sensitive, be cautious with mulabandha. Otherwise explore away.