Reading some AYP material about mudras and bandhas I have some confusion about including mudras and bandhas in practises.I am just gathering theoritcal knowledge now without practising this now. Can someone please help me to clarify these doubts:
- which mudras and bandhas should be included in SBP?
- mulabandha and sambhavi? are other bandhas used in SBP?
-can sambvahi be used in SBP without mulabandha? what are differences beetwen only sambhavi and mulabandha + sambhavi during SBP?
- yoni mudra is considered in AYP as stand alone practise , but I found description when it is said that during inhale and exhale during yoni mudra one should trace the spinal cord up and down -so the same as in SBP. What is the difference then and why yoni mudra is not considred as SBP enhancement?