mudras and bandhas in AYP practises

Reading some AYP material about mudras and bandhas I have some confusion about including mudras and bandhas in practises.I am just gathering theoritcal knowledge now without practising this now. Can someone please help me to clarify these doubts:

  1. which mudras and bandhas should be included in SBP?
  • mulabandha and sambhavi? are other bandhas used in SBP?
    -can sambvahi be used in SBP without mulabandha? what are differences beetwen only sambhavi and mulabandha + sambhavi during SBP?
  1. yoni mudra is considered in AYP as stand alone practise , but I found description when it is said that during inhale and exhale during yoni mudra one should trace the spinal cord up and down -so the same as in SBP. What is the difference then and why yoni mudra is not considred as SBP enhancement?


  1. Yes, mulabandha and sambhavi mudra are two of the mudras and bandhas that can be used during SBP. Kechari mudra can also be used. These should all be added gradually, over time. The guidance for this is found in the lessons. Uddhiyana bandha can also be used if it is happening automatically because of the upward flowing energy.
    Sambhavi mudra can be used without mulabandha. The best way to discover the difference between how the two practices work, is to try them. Basically sambhavi “pulls” from the top of the spinal nerve and mulabandha “pushes” from the bottom.
  2. You are right that with Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka we begin by tracing the spinal nerve slowly up from the perineum up to the point between the eyebrows. Then the attention is held there for the duration of the breath retention. Then as we exhale, we trace it down to the root and again back up for the next retention.
    It is described as a separate practice, rather than as an add-on to Spinal Breathing, because it is the retention aspect that is the most important aspect of the practice.

Hi Christi
Thank you! it is clear now.
Best Wishes.